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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I think that would be incredible. But I don't think so but you never know. It wasn't like he was the HC and is moving to another school. He wasn't even an assistant. That is what I am basing my opinion on. But, you could be right, but I will be surprised if he pulls any PSU folks to his new dojo. mspart
  2. I don't think he brings anyone from PSU. I don't think he was as involved with the PSU guys as the RTC guys. And from the look of him at the Trials, he may not have been that involved with the RTC guys. mspart
  3. So who would be credible candidates as assistants at OSU under DT? I could see Aaron Brooks maybe. Getting Bo might be good also but he has his MMA career to think about but he would be great with the upper weights. He and Brooks could gang up on them and whip them into shape. What about mid to lower weights? Gilman might be good for the lower weights. He could rough up some guys and sharpen them. Middle weights how about Marinelli? Any other thoughts? mspart
  4. Yeah that orange is a downer really. But it is what it is. mspart
  5. For Cael, it was a good move. He went where there was seemingly better opportunity. DT is doing similar. He would be an assistant at PSU for a very long time. Now he is HC at a very prestigious wrestling university that was once great and could be great again. It will be exciting to see how DT can get this going. Did John Smith retire first or because of the DT hire? Personally, JS needed to move out. He was a great coach but like others before him, he just didn't have that same fire in the later years. No disrespect aimed at him at all, he is a great coach. I think he just held on a few years too long. For DT, it was the right amount of years obviously. It will be interesting to see how he does. I wish him the best of luck. mspart
  6. What would be the problem with Coleman staying where he is? He's a quality individual. I'm sure DT will clean house, this usually happens. But still..... mspart
  7. Hey Truzz - Is there a place we can see this match of which you speak of? mspart
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ilhan-omars-pro-genocide-jews-remark-sparks-house-censure-effort Ilhan Omar’s 'pro-genocide' Jews remark sparks House censure effort Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is being hit with a censure resolution on Tuesday after she referred to some Jewish students as "pro-genocide" during a recent visit to Columbia University. Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., is introducing the resolution against Omar on Tuesday, a source familiar with his plans told Fox News Digital. The New York City Ivy League school has been the flashpoint for nationwide demonstrations on college campuses, where students have set up tent encampments to protest their universities' financial ties to pro-Israel companies. Omar's daughter was one of more than 100 Columbia students and young adults attending its sister school, Barnard College, who were arrested over their encampment last month. The progressive "Squad" Democrat visited the demonstration on April 26 in a show of solidarity for the anti-Israel protesters. "I actually met a lot of Jewish students who are in the encampment, and I think it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all Jewish kids should be kept safe," Omar told Fox 5 New York while there. "We should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide." Genocide would be wiping out all Gazans. That is materially and factually not happening. She is irresponsible with this rhetoric. There are 2-3 million Gazans and less than 100k have been killed. In no way is that a genocide. She doesn't belong in Congress. She should be booted or not allowed on any committee. She is blight in the halls of Congress. That's my opinion. mspart
  9. I went to a lot of concerts back in the day. Most were in basketball arenas or smaller. They were great. I hope the sound is good at this place. That would be a bummer to have bad sound. I saw Black Sabbath and Van Halen (VH was the opener and their first tour) in a smaller arena in Seattle Center and it was great. Both bands lit it up. I've seen plenty of other bands as well. One of the best concerts was in a theatre with BB King. He was awesome and the music was awesome. I had seats some ways back. I walked around and got in a conversation with a lady and I said I was pretty excited for the concert and she said she was too. She was near the front and I asked if she would switch with me, and the answer was an emphatic no. Still probably one of the best shows I've ever been to. He was good but his band was really out of this world. It was a great all round show. Blues, jazz, rock. It had everything. mspart
  10. I just don't understand how Billy Joel fills a stadium anymore. Very few acts can do that nowadays. AC/DC, Metallica, Taylor Swift, and not many others. I guess Billy Joel is one of those. mspart
  11. Looks like we will be seeing Billy Joel. She's excited I think. mspart
  12. Maybe too harsh. mspart
  13. Like I said, I heard it on TV so take that for what it is worth. As for problems see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312155/ https://fortune.com/well/2024/02/05/does-marijuana-cannabis-pot-thc-use-help-or-hurt-anxiety/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306460323001351 These are easy to find with a simple google search. mspart
  14. Hi style doesn't mesh with being on the World or olympic team. He might as well stay put and learn a new thing or two and maybe have better success. mspart
  15. For that alone he should be removed from office. He swore to enforce the laws of the land. He is not doing it and he admits it right there. Hopefully he is booted come Nov and outta there in Jan. Come on man!! mspart
  16. Back to the topic, Why couldn't David Taylor compete in the Olympics. He is the #2 guy. He could have Big John take care of bizness until he gets back. Perhaps he just doesn't have the hunger for it like he once did. That seemed to come out in the trials. But I think he could still do it if it came to it. But perhaps it is not feasible to do both. Probably not. He's got to go recruiting etc. I'd hate that part of the job. mspart
  17. Maybe one of them identifies as a bull. Then it is a working farm. See, that was easy. mspart
  18. I heard on the TV the other day that pot in the 70's was 1.5% THC. Today's pot is anywhere from 30-90% THC. That is not the same pot that everyone thinks about and is why there are problems today for those abusing the stuff, moreso than in the past. mspart
  19. When the hamburger gets to be 15-20 dollars, people just decide they don't need that anymore. Period. All told, going to a place to get a hamburger is a luxury or convenience item, not a necessity. So when it gets too expensive, people quit buying. Raising min wage to $20/hour will cost jobs (store closings, robots) and make the food more expensive. It necessarily does this. That is the thing that whacko left wingers never understand. They raise the cost on owners to do their business, the owners must pass that expense on in higher prices or get rid of their employees. Somehow the left wing whackos think that owners are so rich that they are exploiting their workers. Not really the case. They are trying to keep their prices low enough that people will buy their stuff. If their stuff gets too expensive, people don't buy their stuff and the business goes under taking the employees with it. It is simple economics. mspart
  20. I had a friend that raised cows for meat. We had great meat for many years. The last two he had gave him trouble with the killing. They were skiddish and it broke my friend. He said never again. So we don't have that meat coming in anymore. mspart
  21. Doing the deed is tough even when you don't do the deed. We had to put down our last 2 labs we had. We let them linger too long truth be told. They were extremely miserable when we finally took them to the vet for the last time. They are buried in our back yard. Our first lab is buried in our front yard. He got hit by a car on the highway. Very sad. mspart
  22. Hmmm. I don't like Billy Joel that much and he is playing the baseball stadium. I hate stadium concerts. But you guys have a point. mspart
  23. I said they were willingly groomed, meaning they did this with full knowledge of what they were going to do. That's not really grooming in the literal sense. But those are my words. Yes, why would left wing outlets that support the protesters report such things as months of training ahead of time? They wouldn't and don't as it does not meet with their agenda. (See NPR CEO response to the 25 year veteran editor that called them out on their left wing political bias. She disciplined him and he left.) Fox is the only other one I have seen this on. And I can't find this specific thing from them but this is interesting. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/anti-israel-agitators-signs-foreign-assistance-emerge-columbia-nyu-unrest mspart
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