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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I can be on board with this train of thought. But that is not where Jammen was coming from I suspect. But I could be wrong. mspart
  2. That does not apply anymore. It is a great ideal. It was all the rage in the 90s. A mere 20 years from then and we are on the other side where what you say can get you banned from Twitter and Facebook and have lasting consequences from one of the intolerant sides of the political debate. mspart
  3. Jammen, If they said that, I'm wondering why that would be offensive to you. If any other ex-President showed up and NCAA said the same thing, would you have a problem with that? Do you have a problem with Trump attending, or would it be offensive to you for any ex- President to attend? I'm really not sure where you are trying to go with this. I said Trump can go where he wants as a private citizen. He should not be excluded, as long as he pays the entry fee, he is free to attend. People are free to attend too. If it had been Obama, would the NCAA be wrong to point that out and suggest folks get a pic with him? Other than invading his privacy (which may have been the intent to which you would applaud I'm sure), what harm is there in doing that? mspart
  4. Looking at the brackets I am always interested who lost their first match and made it to AA. It appears that only one person did that this year. 184 (11) Gavin Kane UNC - took 8th. There were a number of folks that AA'd after winning their first match but losing their second. But I am only listing the guy that went the furthest after losing their first match. I say congrats to Gavin in his Herculean effort to come back from a 1st round loss and come back to AA. mspart
  5. As for the Primary being insane, we have Trump, Ramaswami (sp), and Haley so far. Doesn't sound like a huge barn burner to me. What I do think will happen is Trump will overshoot and folks will just be sick of him. I have to say I liked what he did from a policy point of view while in office, but I do not like the man. I wish he would just go away. mspart
  6. DeSantis hasn't even said he is running and the attack dogs are already on the move. Crazy. mspart
  7. Yeah, I noticed that too. As for any controversy, Trump is a private citizen and can go where he wants. He pays the entry fee, he gets in. It really is pretty simple. Making this about politics is ridiculous. Did anything happen that wouldn't have happened if Trump was not there? In a bad way I mean, other than folks wanting to get an autograph or a pic. mspart
  8. It is Monday now and I am going to go out on a limb and and say Sasso did not prevail. Just a guess on my part, but I think I have good reason to say so. mspart
  9. Its called playing politics on both sides. mspart
  10. Yep, my bad. mspart
  11. I think this statement is objectively true. I don't know Plasi personally, but from what I have seen from his posts, this rings true. mspart
  12. I hate all this frenchie speaking. I don't speak france. I did propose to my Fie-an-see. I do eat horse doovers. mspart
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/16/politics/house-gop-memo-biden-family/index.html House Oversight Republicans said in a new memo issued Thursday that members of President Joe Biden’s family received just over $1 million indirectly from a Chinese company – the committee’s latest disclosure in its investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings. The memo, which representatives for the White House and Hunter Biden’s legal team quickly dismissed, does not provide any evidence tying the payments directly to President Joe Biden, which Republicans have said is the purpose of their investigation. The memo names Hallie Biden, the widow of the president’s son Beau Biden, as a previously unknown recipient of payments from Biden family associate John Robinson Walker, who wired members of Biden’s family money after receiving $3 million a China-based company. Hallie Biden and Hunter Biden, the president’s younger son, were romantically involved for a period after Beau Biden’s death. The House Oversight Committee quietly subpoenaed Bank of America for the financial records of three of Hunter Biden’s associates, including Walker, on February 27, which is how it obtained these records. mspart
  14. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-chairman-questions-13-million-payments-hunter-biden-relatives-rcna75369 They are alleged to have been paid after the associate, Rob Walker, was wired $3 million in March 2017 from a Chinese energy company affiliated with another company that Biden had been doing business with. The recipients of the $1.3 million in payments were Biden, his uncle James Biden and Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter's brother Beau Biden, Comer said. mspart
  15. My wife just did this very thing with her preschool. Yes, they went all over the place looking for the gold coins. mspart
  16. This is what now constitutes valid debate. A question is asked, it is not closely responded to, and the topic goes to who is more stupider than the other estupido. And then the question doesn't even have to be addressed. mspart
  17. Still a pretty incredible stat. PSU brought 9 to the dance and 7 are still jitterbugging. That is pretty good and explains why they win the team competition most of the time. They wrestle at or above their seed. 7 of 9 in the semis is pretty incredible. Only one of them is out. Dean still has the opportunity to be AA. So 7 or 8 out of 9 AA. That's pretty good! mspart
  18. Perhaps I just don't read as well as you Mike. But it looks to me that you quoted me. Perhaps you mistakenly quoted me and thought you were quoting Plasi. mspart
  19. Bad day for him. mspart
  20. On another note, those top 4 not in the quarters: 149 #4 Henson VT 165 #4 Ramirez COR So the seeding committee mostly had it right I think. mspart
  21. 197 - NCAA champ #9 Max Dean lost so is in the consolations. 197 - #11 Smith MD, #12 Brabaugal ILL 285 #9 Davison NW, #11 Hilger WIS, #10 Elam MIZZ mspart
  22. 184 #9 Salazar MN so far. mspart
  23. Way to go Brands! mspart
  24. 157 #9 Lewan MICH 165 #9 Griffith STAN, #29 Fish MSU (see above) mspart
  25. 125 - #28 Cardinale WVU, #27 Ventresca VT, #10 Courtney ASU 133 - #10 Byrd ILL 141 #1 Woods barely made it with a 6-5 victory over #17 Emilio. He's feeling lucky tonight. #12 Filius PUR, #10 McNeil UNC For all three weights, top 4 seeds are all in the Quarters. mspart
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