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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I wish people would change the wording from "Casual Fan" to "Folkstyle Fan".
  2. I haven't looked at all he wrestled but I'm blindly assuming with his points from being returning World Bronze, had he won multiple ranking series events he would've overtaken Magomedov
  3. I mean Snyder getting all the rankings series points possible would've changed A LOT.
  4. Run rampant with arguments as you will but, "which style more easily allows our wrestlers to leave wrestling harming our senior level team quality" isn't a great argument. If the end goal is MMA we should add in submissions. If the end goal is Senior level success.....
  5. DIdn't watch it (totally missed most of this mornin) But I'll watch it now, thanks for the suggest.
  6. Coming in the dude needed every help he could get (coaching included). BUT LORT. He wrestled extremely well. Great tournament, 0 bad matches. It was nothing but impressive.
  7. I'm not a big fan, but it's 97% to do with our lack of competitiveness. Which is 100% related to folkstyle in no way mirroring Greco. IF we only offered Freestlye/Greco from 5years old through college, 100% we would be the absolute most dominant country in the world in Freestyle and we'd make a ridiculous rise in Greco. But there's enough die-hard Folk fans that its not worth arguing. But to answer your question. The lack of competitiveness + my personal lack of knowledge of elite technique, keeps me less interested in the overall product (of Greco).
  8. I just don't like people abusing it, get back to the middle
  9. Shoot, I like the idea of increased urgency because even though its 6-6 one guy knows he's down. I swear at the college level, the last minute of a tied match is 2 guys staring at each other 89% of the time.
  10. Meh, its how I feel, but it looks like you feel differently
  11. Obviously learning to scramble without exposing your back is way up there in developing a Freestyle based takedown game. But for me personally, I'd like to see step-out and no overtime, implemented. I think it would make a better overall product.
  12. So we are hosting a live-stream next Olympics is what you're saying?
  13. Just saw Snyder's results, got this pulled up for for Blade's finals match but mad I missed the action. Are we all depressed about 3 Medals on mens side? Or are we ok?
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