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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Kamala was in charge of fixing the border. How is that going? Kamala and Joe had 4 years of screwing things up. Now Kamala says she wants 4 more years to fix the things she helped screw up. Please vote for her. I firmly believe she is the right person for the job.
  2. I thought the other thread was for Iran and Putin. Scouts honor asked what we can do to stop illegal immigration across the board. We need signs that say (Don't) with a picture of Joe and Kamala.
  3. From what I'm told you just need a sign that says DON'T.
  4. In Raleigh yesterday she called price gaging. I have never heard of price gaging before.
  5. Hmmm. So, you do not know what responsibility of each of the different Government agencies when it comes to securing the Capital during protests? Seems like it would be a straightforward answer with someone with your knowledge. Sure, people should behave. Sure, only people who are actually protesting should be there. But in reality, those are variables that must be considered if it's your job to keep the Capital safe or President Trump safe or the DNC Convention safe this week.
  6. So, you are saying protestors should bring their own security because those in charge of security at the event are incapable of doing their job. OK I will go with that. I will try this one last time. Can you please explain to me (when it comes to the security of the Capital when there is a large protest) what is the job of the Chief of the Capital Police? What is Nancy Pelosi's job? What is the job of the Sergeant at Arms? What is the job of the Mayor? What was the job of the Army Military Officers? What was the job of the FBI? Does the Secret Service have any responsibility? Hypothetical. We have the election in November. It's very close. The party that loses is very upset with the results and plans a large protest on Jan 4th or whatever date they formalize the Electoral vote. Do you think the security will be the same or will it be substantially better.
  7. Jordan Chiles won her bronze medal fair and square. Her coaches had video proof the protest was made within a minute of posting her score. I wonder why they just didn't give out a second bronze medal. One of the deciding judges sitting on the panel is from Romania. The same country Ana Barbosu is from.
  8. The attempted non-insurrection credit lands firmly on Pelosi. You could also include Irving the Sergeant at Arms. You could include the mayor and some top military officers. All of them denied the proper amount of security because of bad optics. They didn't want the appearance of soldiers in adequate numbers to secure the capital because of optics. The request was denied days in advance. Anyone with a small amount of intelligence could have foreseen the need for more security 'IN ADVANCE' of the protests. Calling in extra security the day of protests was a day late and a dollar short. It's unconscionable that the groups denied the request for security.
  9. We are talking EVIL delusional Biden/Harris inflation.
  10. Yes, I think we have covered Trump pretty thoroughly over the last 8 years. I think the liberal media coverage of Trump was 99.99 % negative the last 8 years.
  11. I would say Joe Biden and now Kamala, was and will be the least effective Presidents tied with jimmy Carter.
  12. The other day when he came on the stage with Kamala he looked like he had drunk 4 beers or 4 red bulls. It looked really odd. ( for a 60 year old man)
  13. I hope he wins his election for Governor. I pray the people of North Carolina will vote him in.
  14. 96 mph in a 65mph zone while being drunk. He blamed the policeman for not speaking loud enough during his sobriety test . Was the reason he failed the field sobriety test. Which he didn't pass or any of the other tests. Is the honeymoon over yet?
  15. Unfortunately, history tells us that the great empires or countries have a tendency of failing from within. Will this be Americas fate? I hope America wakes up before it is too late.
  16. With 10 million illegals now in our country this will be commonplace. With 120,000 polling stations in the U.S. how will they be able to catch all the illegally registered voters. This is what the democrats wanted.
  17. It could very well happen. Tim Walz will probably be appointed the The Fair Price Act Czar.
  18. We should have Biden himself buy back the material he basically gave away. 280 million dollars would be a good start.
  19. When Biden took office there was 260 million dollars' worth of material at the border ready to be put up. Biden approved selling it off at auction for pennies on the dollar. There were also signed contracts in place to put up the wall. I'm not sure if those were paid or not.
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