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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. They only caught him because a witness (regular citizen with a phone) saw the car and took pictures of the car and the license plate. They got very lucky that a regular citizen just happen to be there. Otherwise they would have had no idea what the car looked like.
  2. I'm just a little pissed off right now. You have an opposing parties supporter's trying to assassinate the republican nominee. Just to be clear I have never heard of a supporter trying to murder their own nominee. Have you? Please tell me what I am missing here. Both sides have nut jobs. But only one side is trying to assassinate their opponent. Please tell me what I am missing.
  3. We should as Americans be mad as hell. Trying to eliminate your political foe in order to win is unconscionable. The FBI and the Secret Service are still dragging their feet on the first assassination. Why is the opposing party doing this?
  4. That is straight jacket level of nuts. My personal favorite is lady caught screaming at the top of her lungs when Hillary lost the election. That was crazy on steroids.
  5. Wow!!! I forgot, what does it mean when you kinda of wave your arm in a circle. Oh yes, you are a freaking nut. Then you do it ten times in a row. That is Dr. Phil level of nuts. By Bye. By Bye.
  6. I hope he can win the trials. Then win another WORLD Gold medal.
  7. This might be the last trials for Jordan Burroughs,
  8. Nothing like the media to sensationalize the stories without getting all the facts. You've got sell the papers and get clicks in order to boost revenue.
  9. Not really. He is a big time pro football player. He is late to get to the football stadium. He really doesn't have time for this frivolous stuff. So he told the officer just give my ticket and bro don't knock on my window like that. Maybe he will learn something from all this. Maybe the policeman could learn something also. There have been a good number of cops who have been shot at stops like this over the last several years.
  10. 30 million dogs and 10 million cats are slaughtered each year for human consumption, worldwide. I had no idea it was so prevalent. China, and France although not illegal for now likes their cats and dogs. Vietnam, its legal. Cameroon and Australia its legal. Yum,yum.
  11. The American voter lost the most. Hopefully America can see through all the smoke and mirrors.
  12. On this forum, I'm sorry but you are not allowed to use actual facts.
  13. Is there a graph for all crime? I would say in some areas it just goes unreported. Like in California if it's under 900 dollars.
  14. Is Slumlord Supreme a real person? How much money does he have.
  15. To be fair there were only maybe 3 or 4 schools that have a remote shot to start with. But I guess this a way to keep some interest in it. I wish him the best wherever he goes. He will have a great career.
  16. Plus you are in a 350,000 dollar sports car. Driving like you are above the law. Acting like you are above the law.
  17. Nice car. 350,000 dollars McLaren 720S. 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds. Top speed 212 mph.
  18. Is it true he was going 100 mph in a working zone? When you don't roll down your window then you have the balls to tell the cop to just give you your ticket so you can go . Then you just roll up your very dark tinted window. Tyreek was using some really poor judgement.
  19. Good job. Nice chart. My state is 60th. Poor California is 8th in the world.
  20. I believe it was 7 to 2 or 3. I think Blaze has 2 more years to wrestle U20.
  21. Love college football. I'm glad they finally saw the light and expanded the playoffs to 12 teams. It should keep the season exciting all the way to the conference championships for a change. Go Buckeyes.
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