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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. So you are saying they both should have been called targeting. Regardless how they called the first incident the second one was still targeting. Just because you screwup a call doesn't mean you screw up the second call intentionally. With a 50,000 dollar fine and 3 game suspension all this goes away. I really dislike dirty players.
  2. I wonder who the person was that reviewed the targeting call? Can we get a name and what his credentials are. If that call is properly made ASU would have a first down on the 35. They had a lot of momentum and had a chance to win the game in regulation. So, the player that got knocked out from the hit has to go into concussion protocol his day is over (his career could be over). The idiot that hit him gets to continue to play IN THIS GAME AND THE NEXT GAME.I believe targeting should be a 50,000 dollar fine and a 3 game suspension.
  3. What a year this has been. So glad that we are able to have a wrestling season with some great wrestling.
  4. I have Penn State tonight. Tomorrow, I have Texas, Ohio State and Georgia. Hopefully net year they will seed the bracket properly. The Buckeyes and the Ducks should be a great game.
  5. Who do you think will win in the finals if they wrestle. What weight class ? 174 or 184?
  6. OK. Thanks.
  7. Who would or should have received the 143.7 million dollars? Just a question. Not trying to be smart.
  8. Maybe they should revise the warning labels on the drugs DOCTORS are prescribing for these teens when they are transitioning to another gender. Maybe in addition to the 50 other warnings they should include that taking these drugs may cause you to COMMIT MASS MURDER at Christian schools then commit suicide.
  9. The backups actually wrestled really well. Yes the Buckeyes are a little dinged up. I hope coach Ryan gets the injured wrestlers the proper rehab and time off if needed. This is a good time to get healed up during Christmas break. It is a long season.
  10. Joe is just giving one huge F-you to are judicial system before he says goodbye. The tens of thousands of hours of work to put these criminals away. The billions of dollars spent to convict these criminals. What absolute kick in the ass to all the policeman, attorneys and others who worked so hard to put these criminals away.
  11. Rita stole ,embezzled all that money from the town coffers where she worked. Watched her on the show Greed. I think it was the largest fraud on a municipality in history. The town had been regularly audited by a large firm every year and they never caught her. The State attorney sued the auditing firm and got back a lot of the money. She had over 400 horses scattered all over the country. I believe they got 11 million dollars when the horses were auctioned off. Rita has never showed any remorse over screwing over her friends and neighbors in the town where she grew up. Unbelievable story.
  12. Just block him, so you don't have to read his nonsense.
  13. I think Frick's most egregious sin was altering the South Fork Dam and ignoring the State regulators to get the Dam fixed. Johnstown was just 13 miles below the dam. Frick and company owned the dam and the South Fork hunting club. Within 30 minutes of the failure of the Dam 2300 men, women and children perished. 1889 in Johnstown, Pa.. 1600 hundred homes were destroyed.
  14. Yes. After the match ended and Kolat was the winner they (the corrupt officials) in a malicious, corrupt way went behind closed doors and changed the score. What an absolute bunch of bullsxxt.
  15. THat is one of my top 3. Lee Kemp then Wade Schalles and Kolat.
  16. Yes. His brain also played a part ( he was schizophrenic). The disease he had in his body played a part.(sickle cell anemia)
  17. What would prompt someone or an organization to hire a hitman to take out a CEO of a large Health Care Company?
  18. Do you mean the double birds or his level of wrestling?
  19. Where are you located? Perhaps in a state with a mild climate temperature.
  20. When you engage with a person you don't have the benefit of knowing his extremely poor health condition and his extremely poor phycological condition. You don't have the benefit of knowing if the person is deadly serious in his threats to others in a very closed confined area. Neely died from his own struggle while being constrained. His health condition and mental health condition killed him. A normal healthy person survives that choke hold and restraint 100 percent of the time. Neely died from using poor judgement. He should have been in a hospital under medical care. Thats on Neely and those around him. His family and friends.
  21. Did you read about the synthetic drugs he had in his body? Did you read that he had sickle cell anemia all through his body? He also had suffered from schizophrenia. So when you put all that together with the struggle and the restraint his body could not handle it. One other thing Penny was applying pressure then letting off during the incident then reapplying it. Dr. Satish Chundra (Pathologist} performed the second autopsy. When a rear naked choke hold is applied in full force the person goes unconscious (goes limp) in around 10 seconds. You don't die you just lose consciousness. It takes anywhere between 5 seconds to several minutes to recover depending on individuals' health and other factors.
  22. Like the sands sifting through an hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Washington DC never disappoints. Season 250 coming up.
  23. What a blessing it is to have opposition research. You gotta love Washington DC.
  24. That will work. That perfectly describes a certain political party.
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