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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. I missed it, did Palestine displace millions of Israelis from their homes? In your analogy, every Ukrainian counter offensive is an invasion of Russia.
  2. It’s bad and makes your acceptance of Israel doing the same thing incomprehensible.
  3. Because they know that Israel will never let those refugees back in the country. It’s ethnic cleansing and effectively the end of any dream of Palestinian statehood. edit: just found this article if you want a more thorough explanation : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/13/egypt-gaza-border-palestinian-refugees-israel/#
  4. Israel just shelled 3 journalists in Lebanon, killing one and wounding 3 others. Targeting journalists is an IDF pastime. @Offthemat and @Bigbrog should watch the video below. It's horrifying, but they need to see what they support.
  5. Nowhere. Gaza is sealed off. Furthermore, it is impossible to move over 1 million people (half of which are under 18) when they have no water, electricity, internet and half of their infrastructure has been destroyed. Israel is well aware of that. They are setting the ground for an act of genocide. Remaining civilians who aren't able to move will be treated as Hamas militants and killed or imprisoned. North Gaza will be ethnically cleansed. @Offthemat is a genocidal lunatic.
  6. We're slowly but surely getting to the point where they admit that they don't view Palestinians as human and it's okay to kill them. It would be nicer if they were honest about it up front instead of pretending.
  7. How many Palestinians?
  8. Human Rights Watch condemning Israel for using chemical weapons in Lebanon. Not the first time they've been accused of using White Phosphorous.
  9. Most Palestinians weren't alive or were toddlers the last time there was an election in Gaza and Hamas took power in 2006. That may sound crazy but it's true. 65% of Gaza's population is under 24. How do you distinguish between innocent Israeli's and the apartheid government? It's a stupid question meant to excuse murder.
  10. And yet Israel routinely kills Palestinians in the West Bank. What was the point of this post? It adds nothing. You say Palestinians are not their opponent, but they have no problem killing thousands of them apparently. Simple question: How many Palestinian civilians would have to die in this Israeli action for you to say they went overboard?
  11. @Bigbrog criticizes Hamas. Therefore, he supports the killing of Palestinians. Nearly 1500 now, including 400+ children. Do you finally see how stupid your logic is?
  12. you don't actually agree with that though. it's exactly what i've said the entire thread (as he's pointing out).
  13. Like I've said multiple times, my views mirror the views of many Israeli's. The Israeli government didn't pull the trigger, but it put its people in the crosshairs and begged the shooter to pull the trigger. Headline from award winning Israeli journalist Gideon Levy: "Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying a Cruel Price" Editorial Board of Haaretz: "Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War" More Headlines: "The Demolition Contractor of the Israeli Soul" (Netanyahu) "Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas?" "Israelis Must Maintain Their Humanity Even When Their Blood Boils" "Amid Gaza War, Israel's Emergency Gov't Must Throw Out National Security Minister Ben-Gvir" (Ben-Gvir is a genocide supporter convicted of racial and terrorism incitement in 2007, leader of one of the largest right wing voting blocks)
  14. You are bad at reading and reasoning. Go back to junior high and try again.
  15. I don't agree with your reasons for doing so, but completely agree with trying as much as possible to limit internet time. It melts brains. Ironically, the boomers have probably been hit hardest. Zero internet literacy + an era of information saturation is not a good mix lol.
  16. If you are genuinely afraid of this scenario, you are totally missing the source of this threat. Your number one priority should be keeping your kid off the internet. No smart phones, tablets, or computers. That's where kids actually see and learn the things you're talking about. It's almost 100% self-education via the internet.
  17. My mom runs a small Christian preschool at our church. She's had multiple prospective families ask if they teach "woke ideology." They're three years old. People have lost their minds.
  18. once he saw that I didn't unconditionally support Israel's right to shed civilian blood, he lost his mind and everything else was a blur. He supports killing civilians (as long as they're Palestinians). I don't. I'm very comfortable with my position.
  19. Israel now targeting ambulances helping wounded. Classic "double tap" drone strategy. Similar to the bridge incident yesterday. They are giving Palestinians instructions to enter an area (cross the bridge to leave / help wounded), then targeting them when they arive.
  20. We've entered a post-9/11-esque lust for blood. Good thing that turned out swimmingly for everyone involved! Surely no lessons to be learned there!
  21. Really fun race for second. We should all just pretend PSU doesn't exist and treat that like the real team race.
  22. This kind of transparency is actually refreshing. It's not about right or wrong. Or Palestinian and Israeli lives. It's about maintaining a proxy state in the region. Same reason people look past the barbaric Saudi invasion of Yemen. It's a much more serious and justified argument than pretending these states are innocent little guys who constantly get attacked for no reason at all.
  23. Let's make it straightforward for you. This morning, a group of Israeli settlers attacked a large group of Palestinians in the West Bank (not controlled by Hamas and not involved in the attack), killing three with others in critical condition. 2 questions: 1) Was this a moral thing to do? 2) If so, is it moral for Palestinians in the West Bank to kill settlers in retaliation? I look forward to you answering these questions with no evasions.
  24. No, it's actually not. Grow up.
  25. Spot on. Thank you. Do we want this to keep happening? Obviously not. So who has the power to stop it? Which country has more power? Israel. Which country relies on aid from our government? Israel. Which country can we influence? Israel. So which country should we focus on to stop this? Israel. And trust me, many many Israelis agree with me. I'm basically echoing the Editorial Board of Israel's paper of record.
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