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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. really liked what i saw from zapf last year. i think he could be in the aa mix at 149.
  2. Is anybody else having problems with wrestlestat? I know you need to have a profile to see results now, but I still can't see full season results even though I'm logged in. I've tried across 3 different devices and had the same problem.
  3. poznanski has a redshirt available. he had a really rough year last year. maybe takes the year and bulks to 197?
  4. that, and a lot of the republican culture war hysteria doesn't resonate with normal voters who aren't 100% plugged into internet politics. probably should have spent more time on inflation - i mean what was their message on that other than "it's bad"?- and less time on trans kids. on top of this, overturning roe was always going to be a major short term issue for them electorally. popular with their hardcore base, but extremely unpopular with a large majority of the electorate. especially the suburban women that have become the battleground demographic.
  5. anything specific? policy? or just bad vibes?
  6. what has she done that's so bad? i don't follow michigan politics
  7. @Tigerfan to @Husker_Du
  8. Or that you don't know what you're talking about. There's a reason he was storming to a blowout before the APD controversy late in the election. He's a good candidate who connects with working people.
  9. Totally disagree. Ali, even when hated, was charismatic, creative, clever and funny. Starocci is none of those things. It's coach/athlete speak minus the typical respect for the opponent. When he starts trash talking in rhymes, let me know.
  10. 1. He's not irreparably brain damaged. He has Auditory Processing Disorder. All it means is that sometimes he doesn't process things he hears correctly. The problem is mitigated through closed captioning technology and speech therapy. Unless you think deaf people are unfit for office, he's perfectly capable of serving. 2. Even if he were brain damaged, the people who voted for him have a correct understanding of our system. When you vote for senate, you are voting for an agenda, not an executive. He just has to show up and vote on the issues he supports. If you support the democratic agenda, why on earth would you vote for Oz? I'd vote for someone in a coma as long as the agenda I support is properly voted for. As for the overall night, Republicans need to look in the mirror and reassess the insane path they're on. This should have been a layup for them. A glorified corpse in the white house, inflation, gas prices, wage stagnation, looming war with a nuclear power, etc...And yet, the majority of the country looked at what they had to offer and said no thanks. Embarrassing. Eventually they need to ask if they are the people living in a bubble.
  11. he was on pace to tech him and got sloppy looking for another dump and got cradled. don't think that loss is indicative of much. i don't think he has the horsepower to deal with college 125's yet, but he's very skilled.
  12. he had a monster fargo when he was young. maybe his sophomore year. hasn't looked great since.
  13. @VakAttack and i tried to tell you man haha and not to rub it in more, but robles, the guy you predicted would probably be the starter at 157 got beat by martinson who then got teched by seibrecht who is one of the actual options at 157.
  14. bretli reyna lost to a 4th string 141 on day 1 of iowa's intrasquad. tough start for iowa's "best option" at 165 @nhs67 just messing with ya man, but seriously one of the funniest hills i've ever seen someone die on.
  15. i think parco would be more likely to move down than up if he wants to win. 141 is weak and that's where he's wrestled before.
  16. he annihilated some really solid guys at midlands and wrestles a fun style.
  17. i figured as much, but even so it's an extra 4 lbs.
  18. do you know what the weigh in situation was? i know swiderski was wrestling up at 152 last year. maybe just getting acclimated?
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