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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. Probably continuing strikes for a while. There have been leaks out of the IDF that top command is very nervous about sending troops in. There are some serious doubts about the fighting capability of IDF infantry and an inexperienced and untested force might not fare well in a ground invasion on Hamas’ home turf. The IDF has operated as a glorified police/security force for a long time, mostly in the illegal West Bank settlements. And to be frank, Hamas wants it more. A huge portion of the IDF are kids doing their mandatory service time who want no part in a brutal war where they can actually die.
  2. And also needs to be said both sides have a history of lying about these things, even within this incident. It appears the damage and death toll may have been exaggerated (hopefully). and in the aftermath, the IDF trotted out multiple videos claiming proof that it was Hamas that it later had to delete when they were shown to be at a different time than the strike. Truth was not the foremost thing on either of their minds. They’re trying to win and it’s important to remember they have no problem lying in service to that. I certainly got swept up in it and own that. I still maintain my overall position on the conflict: ceasefire now!
  3. 1) They’re claiming one failed rocket launched from two different sites. That isn’t possible. 2) Sure, but there are other issues with the video than that. On a basic level, we’re supposed to believe Israel didn’t know 1000s of fighters amassed on the border for an attack that had been planned for 2 years, but were able to obtain a recording on an unsecured channel admitting to fault within a couple hours of this strike? 3) Sure, but we have no evidence of that and we haven’t seen that occurrence elsewhere in Gaza either. 4) True. I think JDAM is out. But that isn’t the only munition Israel uses. It has air-bursting munitions that don’t cause the same kind of structural damage or craters as JDAMs.
  4. Failed rocket certainly isn’t consensus at this point. None of the evidence Israel has presented stands up to scrutiny. The audio recording it presented has been shot down as a likely fake by arabic experts. The two “hamas” agents aren’t speaking the right dialect among other issues. And Israel can’t decide where the rocket launched from. They have two separate locations in their presentation without realizing. FWIW, al jazeera has a breakdown of the Israeli claims here: The only possibility I see from the video of a failed rocket is if the debris from the intercepted rocket fell on the hospital, but that wouldn’t match the explosion would it? Why didn’t that happen with the other thousands of iron dome interceptions?
  5. I’m sorry, THIS is what you’re shitting your pants over??? lol i can tell you’ve had your brain melted by the internet. nothing in that video is scary. meanwhile, conservatives groups are trying to stop teachers from teaching basic US history because it doesn’t all glorify our great nation. you guys don’t want to live in a democracy. you want to live in christian saudi arabia.
  6. This whole thing is just a bunch of people sitting around the campfire making up stories to scare themselves. And half of them don’t even have kids (like willie). unbelievably pathetic weirdos.
  7. 1) i doubt it 2) wtf are you talking about? ruin kids lives? all these kids have smart phones and see stuff 1000x more graphic on the internet every day. like give me an example of someone who got their life ruined by a teacher doing…what exactly?
  8. if it’s so absurd, surely you can find one example of a mass firing to show me. just one. does the “they had to pull it off tv” bs you just fell for give you any pause here? any introspection? maybe you’re just seeing tweets from people in your right wing media bubble and believing everything they say?
  9. 1) translation: i couldn’t find them 2) sure there have buddy 3) Yes. If there are so many incidents of people getting fired for conservative beliefs, let’s see them.
  10. because i don’t believe in cancel culture like you!
  11. that didn’t happen. you are so ***duck duck goose** gullible lol they briefly put a viewer discretion warning on the screen because they were discussing topics of a sexual nature…in the proceedings on sex ed.
  12. I’m looking. I can’t find a single example of “mass firings.” Have you ever actually seen an example or did you just see a tweet that alluded to it happening and it felt right to you?
  13. Conservatives certainly want them to!
  14. People don't know this, but Willie was a huge Michael Dukakis guy. Shame the party went WOKE.
  15. Same guy who complains about Palestinians using violence says this about their attempt to secure their rights peacefully lol. Perfect example of why people turn to Hamas. It's completely clear that there is no current avenue to justice through legal and/or peaceful means.
  16. You haven't provided a single example of liberals doing this either
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/us/speech-pathologist-texas-israel-oath.html
  18. I'm sure they were "created" by the Salvadoran government and then trained at Ft. Bragg before assisted by US Special Operatives in the field in El Salvador. If you think this is somehow a work around for you, you're an idiot lol.
  19. They were trained by the United States military at Ft. Bragg. You're not going to talk your way around this one. Direct US government involvement. Not "just" your rogue CIA excuse.
  20. Look at all the censorship in Florida education policy as an example: https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/whats-with-all-the-education-news-out-of-florida-a-recap-of-education-policy-decisions/2023/08#:~:text=The original “Parental Rights in,to grades K through 12. You have to sign a loyalty oath to Israel to work for the Texas state gov. Several examples of gay teachers being fired. https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/3/29/gay-ohio-teacher-fired-after-explaining-pride-bracelet-students https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/florida-teacher-allegedly-fired-discussing-sexuality-students-rcna27656 Can you point to "mass firings" by "woke companies?"
  21. utter nonsense. grow up.
  22. It's pretty rich to complain about "illiberal" progressives when the right's number one obsession right now is firing people who believe things they don't agree with.
  23. What does "not in the name of terrorism" mean? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Mozote_massacre "On the afternoon of December 10, 1981, units of the Salvadoran Army's Atlácatl Battalion, which was created in 1980 at the U.S. Army's School of the Americas, arrived at the remote village of El Mozote after a clash with guerrillas in the vicinity." "During the morning, they proceeded to interrogate, torture, and execute the men in several locations. Around noon, they began taking the women and older girls in groups, separating them from their children and murdering them with machine guns after raping them. Girls as young as 10 were raped, and soldiers were reportedly heard bragging about how they especially liked the 12-year-old girls. Finally, they killed the children, at first by slitting their throats, and later by hanging them from trees; one child killed in this manner was reportedly two years old. After killing the entire population, the soldiers set fire to the buildings." "What made the Morazan massacre stories so threatening was that they repudiated the fundamental moral claim that undergirded US policy. They suggested that what the United States was supporting in Central America was not democracy but repression. They therefore threatened to shift the political debate from means to ends, from how best to combat the supposed Communist threat—send US troops or merely US aid?—to why the United States was backing state terrorism in the first place."
  24. I truly believe if the average American knew what we did down there, it would drastically change our country's politics for the better. There is no clearer example of the misdeeds of our country's foreign policy direction. Overthrowing democratic governments and murdering civilians to stifle economic development to maintain our political control over the region that not only oppresses the citizens of those countries, but also undermines the power of the American worker at home.
  25. For who? You'll find much of the world disagrees with that framing. As to your quote, I'm making fun of you for disagreeing that our gov. supports terrorism and then turning around and immediately accusing it of supporting terrorism. I am pleasantly surprised by the aid. It is being handled by the UN. Yes, Hamas fighters will also get food and medicine, but that's necessary to ensure the millions of innocent Palestinians also get it. There is a big difference between administering food and medicine and arming and training terrorists, which we've done all over the world for 70 years, from the contras and juntas of Latin America to the rebels in Syria to the Saudi government and more.
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