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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. A day after Blinken asks Al Jazeera to tone down its rhetoric, Israel kills the family of their Gaza Bureau Chief in an air strike. Israel has a long history of targeting journalists.
  2. Because you live in our society. You drink our water, eat our food, use our roads, etc... If you don't want to chip in, go live in the woods by yourself.
  3. No there aren't. You're describing a world that we don't live in.
  4. Circling back to this, one of the most useful things you can understand is that we are much closer to a one-party state when it comes to foreign policy. Almost all of the real work is done by unelected, career administrators within the state department and intelligence agencies AKA "The Blob." Lawmakers come and go and put their stamp and spin on it, but the overall direction of our foreign policy is determined by these people.
  5. No, it's reality. Sorry it hurts your feelings. When you institute a bunch of bureaucratic hurdles to make sure only people who "deserve" help get it, you inevitably filter out deserving people (as well as significantly inflate the cost of the program). People won't know the right forms, the right sites, etc... I think it is worth giving aid to someone who isn't helping themselves to your liking to make sure that every man, woman, and child who needs help gets it. That is a worthwhile trade off.
  6. There was no way to do it that wasn't a disaster. It was stay there forever, or let them collapse on their own. How do you think they should have done it?
  7. The real life consequence of this attitude is that you keep aid away from 10 people who "deserve" it, to prevent aid to 1 person who doesn't.
  8. If after 20 years of being carried by the world's #1 superpower, you still can't stand on your own, you never will. And I don't think most people understand the level of grift and corruption in the "free" Afghan government. You know how bad you have to be to lose a popularity contest to the Taliban?
  9. Personal charity is an inefficient and ineffective way of reducing poverty and hunger. That's just reality.
  10. there was no "good" way to pull out of Afghanistan because we spent 20 years installing a corrupt puppet government that didn't have the support of the people. Biden pulling out and taking the heat of the unavoidable collapse was the most courageous thing he's done his entire life.
  11. Another investigative team finds the Israeli misfire theory not credible.
  12. You and all conservative media freaked out about Biden pulling out of Afghanistan and now you're going to pretend they're the peace party compared to the democrats??? lol
  13. You might be the stupidest man I've ever encountered.
  14. I think there's a difference between the definition of conservative you've taken on for yourself and how "conservatives in america" actually act more broadly.
  15. And whenever they're reminded that this isn't true, that's where the aggrievement comes in. "They're letting gay people get married? That's an attack on MY marriage!" "My favorite beer is advertising with a trans woman? That's an insult to ME!" "Obama wore a tan suit? He doesn't respect ME!"
  16. Defending existing hierarchies and social norms as natural and just.
  17. Which of those things didn't happen?
  18. Idk, to start they shit their pants every time someone says America's past might not be perfectly rosy. They throw fits about gay people kissing in commercials or on TV. They're currently obsessed with banning books that present opinions they don't agree with. The mere presence of a trans woman in a beer ad induced a months long psychosis. Currently, they're trying to get people who don't uncritically support Israel fired from their jobs (some liberal zionists are doing this alongside them too tbf). There was once a week long scandal because Obama wore a tan suit. Aggrievement is the central emotion of Conservatism.
  19. shameless.
  20. i’m going to put you out of your misery. you misread @Offthemat post. he said “data for progress.org” the spaces likely from autocorrect. “progress.org” isn’t a a major site of any kind. in fact, it’s less reliable than dataforprogress.org, which is a well established major polling center. you are the only one on here who doesn’t understand that or thought anybody was trying to confuse the two sites.
  21. willie you just described at least half your posts
  22. The context of this is even more troubling when you see that Israel is being accused of using White Phosphorous in Gaza right now (and we know they already used it in Lebanon last week). While they lazily gin up propaganda of Hamas having used manuals for chemical weapons, they’re actually using them.
  23. not a single person on here claimed it was lmao go back and read @Offthemat post more carefully.
  24. you are the only one who is confused right now
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