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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. it's about time we started cracking down on these papist heretics. take your polytheism elsewhere!
  2. this is hilariously untrue. half that party is on tape saying it explicitly. i'm sure that's all fake right? hell even biden wants to cut back benefits. his populist economic message right now is simply a function of him losing the house. the dems always suddenly get very bold with their policy wants as soon as they know legislation will never reach their desk. a split house is an establishment democrat dream. they don't have to choose between their voters and donors.
  3. hahaha come on just take the L. it was a very obvious joke. "ashton desalvo" wasn't obvious enough for you?
  4. i think it's pretty clearly just a mistake. we know what happened. we just don't know who did it. it's well documented that coaches don't put any effort into these
  5. conservatives are gonna freak out when they learn about satellites.
  6. your argument is that perry doesn't count because he couldn't get it done under the old coach, but beat the guy who beat him 9x under brands?
  7. hell yeah brother never surrender
  8. agree. you gotta own it. can't take it too personally. it's all in good fun. come on back @jajensen09 nobody should hold being a fan against you.
  9. @jajensen09 with an all-time homer performance. unbelievable distance from reality to confidence ratio. tip of my hat to a master of the art. this is what forum posting is all about gentlemen. cheers to you my man.
  10. One of the most obvious headgear pulls by Glory you will ever see that was crucial for finishing a takedown. He grabs both the straps, then the ear guards. Officials go to look at it. Watch it happen in slow motion for 5 minutes, then come back on the mat and say "no evidence it happened." Embarassing. Why sign up for the job if you're afraid to do it?
  11. lol remember when he was insistent that he was going to go 125?
  12. that was not even close to same kerkvliet. it's a disingenuous comparison. the gable match happened 2 years and 30 lbs later. the better comparison is when Amos, after wrestling 220 and building his rep for 2 years, cut down to 92 kg for cadet trials. He took 4th in Greco and 3rd in Freestyle. 3 losses to much lower ranked wrestlers. Was supposed to see Ferrari in the finals for one of the most hyped matches of the season. Didn't even make it there. Why? Because grown up 195 is much tougher than 220. His entire style is built of athleticism and power and he's no longer the most athletic and powerful. i have a far from perfect record on recruits, but i was always low on amos on the old board. he's like a poor man's jacob warner. dominant in high school, but comes way back to earth when better athletes get access to better coaching. warner is more technical/savvy and a lot better at winning tough, low scoring matches though.
  13. gonna toot my own horn here and say i was all over this a few years ago. he's a tweener and built a lot of hype in high school by throwing much less athletic 220's around at fargo. the few times he made the cut to 195, he looked like a mid level recruit. he's not overly skilled and he loses his athleticism advantage down at 197. i think he'd be better served trying to wrestle up at heavyweight going forward, but i highly doubt he'll ever be elite. the debate about him v. ferrari was always a joke. ferrari was a far superior prospect.
  14. started on a facebook board. somebody saw it there and posted on HR
  15. it was legit and it was feisty. i don't think spencer wanted to be there, but ayala did, so spencer gave him the business. gave him a little mug and said to the corner "he wanted the match. he wanted it"
  16. "What's so noted about his underhook, or anyone's for that matter?"
  17. you made a really stupid comment. nobody else has any problem understand how Hidlay's underhook - the position where nearly 100% of his offense comes from - is his signature move. you know who understands more than anybody? parker keckeisen. he has to shut it down.
  18. you cannot take people down by just grabbing a leg. you have to transition to another move to score.
  19. could say that about literally every wrestling move. how can a low single john smith's signature move when he has to switch off to a double? how can a half nelson be gene mills' signature move when he has to combine it with a spiral ride or far wrist? just stupid
  20. does this guy even watch wrestling?!
  21. "what's so good about underhooks?" is a hilarious take lol he literally planted your boy with it for 6 like two weeks ago
  22. it's like he has a humiliation fetish lol
  23. your commitment to being wrong is commendable.
  24. 1-1. I've never seen someone so confident in a rematch after an all out war tie breakers win on the backside at ncaa's. You should really apologize to Parker because you almost almost willed him to defeat this time around lol.
  25. amine is also the epitome of a "march" guy. he's signifantly better in the post season than he is at any other time.
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