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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. Well, to what extent are you/people on the right claiming the feds played a part? That's a pretty big factor. Based on the available info, if you think think the Feds orchestrated the thing, which some have claimed, that's still tin foil stuff.
  2. Because they were there on their own time. Do you know what informants are? They're members of the group they're informing on. In criminal cases, they're almost always still committing crimes. The information they provide protects them. Likely the case here. And the degree to which these people informed is not clear. The 26 could refer to anyone the FBI made contact with or received any information from. Trust me, the feds are well integrated into every political movement in this country. It's an open joke in left-wing circles (who are historically who the feds have targeted). It don't think it's plausible to say that this whole thing was manufactured by the feds, which I take to be the insinuation? I think it's more likely that these people were stupid, passionate, and misled by a man they deeply adored into thinking the election was stolen and things got out of hand. As someone who was present at a lot of Pro-Palestine protests, I can attest that though people didn't show up with the intention to be aggressive, when cops show up and start shoving, all bets are off. Just human nature at that point. That's my best explanation. And I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if more info comes to light, but what Willie posted is not that big and he misrepresented it on top of that (or at least the tweet he linked did).
  3. What is the conspiracy? That the FBI had people undercover at a large political protest? They have people undercover at *every* large political protest. They've been doing this for 60 years. For the record, I don't really care about Jan 6. I'm just not sure why you think this knowledge is supposed to upend my worldview?
  4. You legit need to learn how to read and process information. Those aren't FBI agents. They're snitches.
  5. Probably the people who want to "level" society aka make it equal aka woke people.
  6. Yeah.....sure. "The levelers want to destroy everything because in the rubble we will all be equal."
  7. I posted his twitter account, so you can see his politics for yourself. Like most people, they're not consistent. He hates insurance companies, but also hates "wokeness" and atheism. He shows anti-capitalist tendencies at one moment, but is a big tech fan and likes Elon Musk. He supports conservative social values, but is also really into futurism. Trying to double down on "he was clearly a leftist/antifa" is stupid.
  8. Another example of the US supporting Islamist militant groups to further its goals in the region. Not that Assad is any better, but we should probably be neutral on this one.
  9. It will be funny to watch the right-wing media sphere completely drop this story now that it's clear he wasn't a lefty lol. However, going back to my points earlier in the thread, this should be a wake up call. A prep school valedictorian with an ivy league education became to radicalized by his experience with our healthcare system that he decided to murder the CEO of the insurance company.
  10. Most recent stuff coming up is he suffered a major back injury, had surgery, it didn't work, but cost a ton. His goodreads is full of books on chronic pain. XRay image of a back (presumably his) with major hardware installed as his twitter header photo. I think we've found the path of radicalization. Here's his valedictorian speech at his $40k prep school. https://x.com/FreeTheAmerican/status/1866212922135114142
  11. Suspect in custody and identified. Computer Science student at PENN. Does not appear to be far left politically. You can browse his twitter for yourself. Shows concern about low birthrates, the decline of Christianity, and the "woke mind virus." Reposts a lot of fitness and mindset self-help stuff (Andrew Huberman, Tim Urban, etc...) To me, he looks like a type of center-right, populist adjacent young male professional that is very common nowadays. Conservative cultural values combined with select anti-establishment/corporation views, but very supportive of big tech/futurist stuff (Peter Thiel for example). https://x.com/PepMangione
  12. Brian Thompson was on his way to deny care to a grandmother with breast cancer. Thankfully, like our national hero Daniel Penny, this good samaritan stepped in and killed him before he could hurt others. Am I doing that right @mspart?
  13. Google US Healthcare Crisis and you’ll find hundreds of headlines just like that. Must mean our system is a disaster according to your logic right?
  14. Yeah, then it would be actual self-defense. Neely didn’t attack anyone. He was unarmed. You can’t just kill someone because they make you uncomfortable. Imagine the bloodshed in this country if being scared was a valid reason for killing whoever you want. Maybe the shooter was frightened by the United Health CEO?
  15. The man Williams stabbed actually attacked him and his girlfriend.
  16. Yeah, what kind of country do we live in if you can’t strangle a homeless man for being loud on the subway? The man was completely restrained and no longer a threat and Penny decided to keep choking him for 5 minutes, even after he was unconscious. He was warned repeatedly by witnesses that he was killing him. Textbook manslaughter. “Lives saved” He was unarmed and the worst he actually did was throw trash. The only thing they found on him was a muffin. Was he targeting someone with a nut allergy perhaps? Being around someone going through a mental episode is frightening and unpleasant. But that doesn’t mean you have free rein to kill that person. The reality is most people in this country view homeless people as subhuman.
  17. What crimes have you committed?
  18. 1) Palestinians didn't start this war 2) Is the CEO not collateral damage in a larger political conflict?
  19. It's almost like there are a bunch of variables that go into choosing where to move. This is a pointless circle to go in and it distracts from the main fact: People who have single-payer healthcare love it. It is the system most of the rest of the developed world uses, with great success. We are the outliers. Conservatives never want to address these facts (even though they all jump to sign up for Medicare which is....single payer!)
  20. You don't get to do a "murder is murder" schtick then opt out when you're faced with a single counter example. You either believe it or you don't. Which is it?
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