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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. Where was this absolutist stance for the thousands of dead children in Gaza? I'll give you a chance right now. Do you condemn their murder?
  2. A country with 350+ million people can handle a few million immigrants much easier than one with 60 million on a relatively tiny island. Don't be dense. This whole discussion is stupid because we all know that they're just going where they could find jobs. Their number 1 country of emigration is the UAE. Why? Because they're importing foreign labor. That's where the jobs are. Healthcare is not the driving factor of where they go. HOWEVER, I bet most of them would prefer to have guaranteed healthcare over nothing.
  3. No, your diagnosis of people just hating him "because he's rich" was lazy. There are tons of rich people in this country whose murder wouldn't be cheered by millions. They hate him because he's a figurehead of an evil industry that ruins people's lives. I hope you never have to deal with an insurance company denying essential care to you or a loved one.
  4. The UK population density is 7x higher than the US. It's almost like there's more opportunity in the US for immigrants to get jobs. Even so, Indians are the number 1 immigrant in the UK and still rival US numbers despite it being a much smaller country.
  5. This isn't a random rich person. It's a guy who runs an insurance company and the shooter explicitly sent a message about denying care to people. It's not just about money. You see the murder of one man and are missing the murder of thousands for the sake of profit. You can still think it's wrong, but it's lazy to say this is just about hating rich people.
  6. Let's take a step back for a second. Millions of Americans are cheering the murder of a private citizen because he is the CEO of an insurance company. That's a fact. Is that not a very troubling symptom of a major issue we should address? Does that sound like a healthy society to you guys?
  7. Give them the choice, I'd bet most of them would rather have guaranteed healthcare in Europe.
  8. I didn't even endorse it. In fact I said it was wrong. Murder is wrong. I just said it didn't ruin my day.
  9. Why don't any of the dozens of single-payer systems around the world switch to our private health insurance model since it's obviously so great? It's literally the third rail of international politics. Even the most die-hard conservative politicians wouldn't dare try to take away single-payer healthcare around the world. Why? Because people love it. You lean on anecdotal evidence of a fraction of 1% of Canadians coming to the USA for serious medical treatment. Our healthcare works very well...if you're rich. For the 99%, it works very poorly, inefficiently, and immorally. Part of the reason our wait times are shorter is because 33% percent of the country simply can't afford to see a doctor. I'd trade slightly higher wait times for 100% population coverage AND no financial ruin in a heart beat.
  10. Have you posted a single time mourning the deaths of 20,000 Palestinian children?
  11. It's so funny when conservatives like @mspart fear monger about single-payer because they have to pretend that the entire rest of the developed world just....doesn't exist? America is somehow the greatest country in the world....and also the only one who can't make the world's most successful, cost effective healthcare system work? Totally incoherent worldview.
  12. 100%. Look around the world. Not a single citizen who lives in a single payer country would trade their system for ours.
  13. Sure. Vigilantism is bad. However, health insurance, as an industry, murders 1000s of people every year. It has no justification for existence. It doesn't expand access to care. It doesn't decrease costs. It does nothing beneficial. It's sole purpose is to be a leach on the system and extract profit for rich people. So while what happened to him is wrong, I'm not gonna pretend I'm devastated. I'm devastated for the families who were ruined under that man's leadership.
  14. United has the highest denied claim rate of all major insurance companies. Notoriously evil company. Almost every social media post they make (pre-shooting) has comments from customers begging for them to cover life-saving care. Their facebook post mourning the CEO had 10x as many "smile" reactions as "sad" or "like" reactions. There is a very serious undercurrent of anger that is starting to bubble to surface in this country. I wonder if we'll start to see more oligarchs get shot at.
  15. Why? Can you give provide an explanation for why most modern coup attempts are carried out by right wing, often military, movements? Here's another question: If Kamala had won the election and the military stepped in to place Trump in power, would you support that?
  16. This time in South Korea. Deeply unpopular conservative president has declared martial law amid demands for his resignation. For how much conservatives love spouting platitudes about liberty, conservatives around the world keep trying to overthrow democracy.....
  17. Never a good sign when this many of your nominations have "Allegations" sections on their wikipedia page.
  18. Extremely common, maybe even the norm, to see the knee braces in college. Usually preventative. They lose them in the NFL because they can’t afford the reduction in speed.
  19. Well, she said she would weaponize the Justice Department to go after Trump's enemies. Don't like that. She also took a $25k donation from Trump while Trump University was being investigated for fraud and didn't pursue a lawsuit afterwards (@mspart this is how the real deep state works). And she's a registered foreign agent for Qatar and a partner at Washington's most powerful lobbying firm (again, this is the actual deep state). She will be your typical corrupt bureaucrat.
  20. This happens every time. It's just name recognition.
  21. They're actually going after Trump for this, not Wiles. One of his central promises was to "drain the swamp" and he's stacking his cabinet with lobbying insiders and fellow billionaires. Now, anybody with a brain knew he wasn't going to drain the swamp. He is the swamp. But that is why you're seeing articles pointing out that Wiles has an extensive lobbyist background for tobacco interests. You shouldn't be able to say this: “You have to stop listening to lobbyists,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with the podcaster Theo Von in August. “You know, I was not a big person for lobbyists, and if they have even a little access to a president or a senator or a congressman or woman,” he added, “they get a lot of money, and in some cases they just take the money, they don’t do anything.” and then pick a lobbyist for Chief of Staff.
  22. Well, right on cue lol
  23. It's crazy that the right whined that someone who spent 20 years as a prosecutor, was a senator, then VP was somehow "unqualified" to be president and then they turn around and cheer when their daddy picks the wife of the founder of the WWE, who has been investigated multiple times for her involvement with steroid and sexual abuse scandals. Imagine if the dems had nominated an MSNBC host who's been accused of sexual assault and cheated on both his wives to be the Secretary of Defense.... Or a guy who caused a measles outbreak in Samoa and believes HIV is fake to head up HHS? Or a guy under investigation for statutory rape and sex trafficking to be Attorney General? (who also might have killed someone during a homosexual auto-erotic asphyxiation incident in college which was then covered up by his dad - this story has been out there for years, well before Gaetz was a national figure). Imagine claiming Trump was anti-war and then he picks Marco Rubio as Sec of State and a guy who openly advocates for bombing Iran as Defense. It's a joke.
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