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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. I have zero posts in that thread. But if I did, I would still probably mock you because you replace braindead mainstream press with even more braindead right-wing propaganda. MSNBC is a joke. Fox, OAN, [insert right wing twitter celebrity], etc... are even stupider.
  2. Rich people having lunch with rich people. It's a big club and you ain't in it.
  3. Pot calling the kettle black
  4. This is just make-work so those two weirdos stop bothering him. They'll get bored and we'll all move on.
  5. If Gaetz is confirmed, will they still let schools tour the building?
  6. Picking a credibly accused pedophile for AG is not making me feel better about Trump's past ties with Epstein.
  7. Again, you've missed the point of the joke. He created a new department to improve efficiency and put two people in charge, which is....inherently inefficient.
  8. 100% props. When we had that discussion, the early signaling from the campaign was she was going to distance herself from Biden and lean into a more populist message with Walz. Unfortunately, they backed down from that track after a week or two and I think that ended the race right there.
  9. Trump himself is not anti-vax, one of his better qualities. But he's supposedly promised control of the health agencies to RFK, who is extremely anti-vax.
  10. Whether you want to believe it or not, his economic plan carries significant risk for worsening inflation and tanking the GDP. His tax plan will also add trillions to the deficit. That's worrisome to me. Also, I value a lot of the regulation/departments he wants to cut. I like clean drinking water. I like clean air. I like people being vaccinated against preventable diseases. I like fluoride in the water because I like when people have all their teeth. Now, if RFK wants to take the poison out of our food, I'm all for it, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen. I worry about the continued blank check to Israel to escalate war in the middle east and I worry about his judgment on foreign affairs in general. I worry about a women's right to choose and women dying from preventable miscarriages/dangerous births. I worry about access to contraceptives and other reproductive healthcare. Has anyone asked him how he plans to deport 20 million people? Is the military going door to door asking for papers? Because that's also pretty scary to me. Ultimately, I'm not living my life organized around fear. I'm still going to keep doing what I'm doing. But I don't think the world is headed in a good direction and that saddens me.
  11. "News" It's likely propaganda if China is feeding it to you. I thought Trumpers were anti-China?
  12. That's what they want you to think
  13. Why are you getting all your news from a source owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party?
  14. People were way more fired up in 2020 on the Dem side. There was widespread apathy amongst democrats, who were rightly dissatisfied with the Biden administration. Harris had an initial excitement bump, but then she kept on all of Biden's people and they told her and Walz to tone it down and the whole thing fizzled.
  15. The media was obviously wrong about record vote turnout or else we're missing millions of votes (which would point to the Republicans stealing the election, which I don't think happened). As for 2020, think about how insane that situation was. Trump was a historically unpopular and polarizing president and then a massive pandemic broke out and tanked the world economy and killed hundreds of thousands of people. So yeah, people were pissed at him and motivated to vote against him.
  16. @wrestlingguy To add on to this, Harris' loss is right in line with what we've seen all over the world this year, with few exceptions. Parties in power during inflation, conservative or liberal, lost major ground in their next election. Of all the insane stuff that happened in this election, likely none of it had anywhere near the impact as the Fed's handling of inflation. When there are rational, historically backed explanations for why things happen, there is no need to go hunting for conspiracy theories.
  17. The people who stayed home aren't complaining. They didn't vote because they didn't care who won. There are million and millions of people in this country that feel that way. We have one of the lowest voter participation rates in the democratic world.
  18. hmmmm
  19. I think it’s more likely that the last 4 years were such a disaster that people didn’t see a real difference and stayed home. The dems strategy is 100% anti-trump. it didn’t work as well this time because he hasn’t been in office for 4 years and he didn’t have to deal with post-covid fallout. Last election, we were mid-pandemic spiraling and trump was in the news everyday being annoying and people hated it so they voted different. but then Biden didn’t actually do anything meaningful in office and inflation skyrocketed so what reason did those people have to come back out. Trump also lost votes this time too. Just not nearly as many. That’s the benefit of not having to own the current state of things.
  20. Not that it matters but this was a mistake on CNN. She did outperform in several counties, but no states.
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