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Everything posted by jross

  1. Yesterday, I saw a dozen forever wrestling buds and coach at a RIP father’s celebration of life. I missed my daughter’s wrestling matches. She won both and is slightly less clueless. She is making friends and might join the dive team. #LifeBeyondGymnastics. I helped her with a software design class for her final? Guess how late we were up?
  2. Aside, when someone says please don’t share my location, I am concerned for my safety, what would a good person do?
  3. When the gas price drops a few cents, still considerably higher than before, the gov will call it a win!
  4. Elon has death threats. Stalkers have tracked his car multiple times. Dude feels unsafe and people are showing his jet location, which is also enabling car tracking. He put some people in time out for including URLs that show his location. He is making mistakes. I’m good on this one. The journos say… I only included the link because I was reporting the link that others shared. Give me a break journos. Be better and welcome back.
  5. This article says the law ambiguity influences delay until mom is super sick. That is horrendous. https://sandpointreader.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-idaho-abortion-laws/ This is the key law part that indicates the dr is fine to treat miscarriage and ectopics.
  6. There is something else besides the law causing this? Is it a legal issue or are docs just refusing because of their beliefs? For example, my wife’s old doc stopped prescribing birth control. Treating miscarriage is legal in Idaho.
  7. Is #1 a problem? #2 is irrelevant to how important the message is. Anybody that supports censorship will lose the next election. The left better get on board.
  8. Does Idaho have the mother’s life at risk law and how does it classify medical procedures for miscarriage? That tweet is not from the lady in the video. Where is the original video from Tik tok? After reading the law, this story looks like BS. https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title18/T18CH6/SECT18-622/
  9. Scott Adam’s says two movies are playing at the same time in the same theatre. We are watching different movies. Listen to the spaces talk with journalists. https://twitter.com/forevereversley/status/1603612770892918784?s=46&t=Sjd7S9_0NK1dapNG4Vo-0g Was it doxxing or not? Of course it was! Or not?
  10. First paragraph. Please demonstrate Elon’s history of bending the narrative to suit his purpose where the purpose is wrong? Is there evidence that Facebook and Google (other media) censor conservative material?
  11. Counter. Why don’t you go item by item and cite a fact rather than opinion.
  12. Mike that’s a left spin hack job of an article.
  13. Biden would win in a landslide if he took the same stance.
  14. California is so Florida https://www.foxnews.com/media/california-advances-goal-reparations-black-residents-activist-calls-350000-per-person
  15. What does this mean? I searched the following passwords: ChristianPylesIsATwat | not pawned ilovebiden | not pawned ilovetrump | pawned 20 times
  16. I love the regular tweets and sharing good news from Biden. Honest. But he posted losses today. Griner deal - Grade: F Gas - Grade: F Inflation - Grade: F It reminds me of incentives at work to find software bugs. I guess I will write myself a new car. (Create bugs, find bugs) Marriage - Grade: B Arizona jobs - ? Via chips act Chips Act. New jobs is good. Corporate welfare without corporate accountability is terrible. Spending money we don’t have. Fail. Decrease foreign dependence. A for intention, D for execution as it still depends on foreign countries.
  17. This is a joke! Cool Feature. If you type pw: <password> or password: <password> in a post, the intermat forum will automatically replace your password with asterisks when you select Submit Reply. See? UN: jross PW: ******** Cool right?
  18. What a stupid, moronic money grab with those cards. They will sell out, and he'll make a ton of money. The only recovery is to give the profit away to charity. #embarrasing
  19. You are probably right. Those companies see each other as competitors for advertisement dollars, and they steal features. Generally speaking, Twitter is unique because anyone can freely (& anonymous) discuss with or follow 300M global users without permission. That is not Facebook. It's not silly videos like TikTok and disappearing chats/images/vids like Snapchat. When I was trying alternatives... I explored Counter Social, Gab, and Truth Social.
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