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Everything posted by jross

  1. Attention: @BobDole@Coach Bankowski Zips with content from two forums are available here ~750MB College - https://drive.google.com/file/d/15DtYZPy3mT2vmcJZkEjofK19pI1OLOV9/view?usp=sharing ~300MB International - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SnjcR85IWSy8fNFsQrmyWpToMWaZvvoe/view?usp=sharing Download and extract the files. You can use the built-in File Explorer search to find topics by directory name or by the file contents. See https://seekfast.org/blog/search-text-in-documents/search-files-in-windows-10/ for help with File Explorer options. Note: search by topic is the default option. You can open the file in a browser. Use the file explorer to navigate the topic to the next page and open the HTML files directly. The HTML is unmodified. Selecting to navigate another page will load the original web address and fail since the site was shut down. I have no plans to invest time and energy to provide better user-friendly access.
  2. KWWL is much better journalism. To be a stickler, KWWL shows its bias in selecting what outside news to bring in. Today's front page is good but it's not always good. This is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than the mainstream. Center-left but not extreme left.
  3. Will you share how the evaluation was performed for 1-2 studies, and do they address my question? I don't question that little evidence of convictions has been found or that few reports of fraud exist. For example, these are small numbers in Texas since 2005 534 - Successfully prosecuted election fraud offenses against 155 individuals by the Office of the Attorney General since 2005. 510 - The number of pending offenses against 43 defendants, currently pending prosecution. 386 - The number of currently active election fraud investigations. https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/initiatives/election-integrity How can any study discover what fraud occurs that is not reported? How likely is it that the older citizens were thankful for the good citizen Rachel for collecting their ballet, helping them 'pick the preferred' candidate, and to be friendly with gifts? How many of the 7000 citizens reported concerns of fraud? In my workplace, observability data informs me which product users are frustrated by application disruption. Once, I proactively called to inform a customer of a problem and its resolution. The customer was unaware and got back to me that its 900-employee user base was unable to use the product feature for several days. The customer help desk had taken a couple of calls and had not opened a ticket with my company. Even when people know there is a problem, they are hesitant to report the problem to the right people. There is another type of error, the silent error, where a function fails in the back-end system, and no human is notified. The percentage of errors reported back to my company is near zero percent. Does the lack of customer-reported incidents mean the errors did not occur? As a citizen that wants election integrity, can I validate who the system counted my vote for so that I have confidence in election integrity and can report concerns?
  4. Election fraud conviction is exceedingly rare. How do you prove that fraud is exceedingly rare?
  5. Important: Partisan election interference through big tech, covertly and overtly, has a massive influence and should be taken seriously. Fraud: The secret voting process reduces the risk of voter coercion. It is, unfortunately, complex to audit and identify fraud. Fraud does happen. Are you aware of the story of Rachel Rodriguez in Texas, who admitted on video that she knew she was illegally affecting up to 7,000 votes? https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/ag-paxton-san-antonio-election-fraudster-arrested-widespread-vote-harvesting-and-fraud /Pausing here. Thoughts? Can you prove that fraud does not occur? Does that mean that fraud does not occur? Is 7,000 votes a lot for a single person to influence? Is it reasonable to believe she was the only person that committed fraud in the 2020 election? Is it reasonable to believe that fraud only would occur for one candidate?
  6. Sometimes you just gotta take a chill pill, ya know? It's like Jake the Snake used to say, 'calm down and hit the canvas like a ton of bricks.' - OpenAI ChatGPT - tell me a quote about chill pill in the style of jake the snake Well, let me tell you, brother, everything is fine at home. The fridge is stocked, the laundry is done, and I just spent the morning oiling up the lawn mower. Everything is fine, brother, except for my wife. She's still mad at me for not remembering to put the toilet seat down. But you know what they say, brother: Don't get mad; get even. So I just bought her a new toilet seat with a built-in stand. Problem solved, brother. Hulkamania forever! - OpenAI ChatGPT - tell me a joke about everything is fine at home in the style of hulk hogan OpenAI ChatGPT spoke in the style of Ric Flairy, Iron Sheik, and Macho Man Randy Savage in the previous comment. Searched something like two guys debate/argue in the style of...
  7. Well, let me tell you something, brother. We were just minding our own business, having a civil discussion, when all of a sudden, things took a turn for the worst. It was like a plane crash in slow motion, brother. One minute, we were agreeing to disagree, and the next minute, we were locked in a heated argument. It was like a train wreck, brother. A train wreck with words. But, you know what they say, to be the man, you gotta beat the man. And I think it's safe to say, I took the title of top debater in this match. WOOOOO! Haha. The Nature Boy has arrived, brother. He knows jabronis can be like a camel, always on its high horse, thinking they are better than everyone else. But let me tell you something, my friends - the camel is a dirty animal, and so is the jabroni. They both need to be put in their place and humbled by the mighty Iron Sheik! Well, let me tell you something, brother. Bringing professional wrestlers into the discussion is like a big old scoop of vanilla ice cream. It might sound good on paper, but when you take a bite, it's just plain boring. But me, I'm like a big old bowl of Jalapeno ice cream. I'm spicy, I'm unpredictable, and I'll always bring the heat. So if you want to complain about legitimacy, that's fine, but just remember: don't mess with the Macho Man, because I'm the real flavor of the month!
  8. The tiny list gets bigger. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/portland-woman-allegedly-pushes-3-year-old-onto-train-tracks/283-1d3203c3-50c1-47ef-b27f-f904ecb7d5d9
  9. Respectfully, Trump is a synonym for Biden in that particular sentence.
  10. Evidence shows that the FBI lied to suppress the Biden laptop story before the 2020 election. There is evidence that Twitter suppressed information damaging the Biden campaign in the 2020 election. There was evidence in the 2016 election that Google influenced results in favor of the Clinton campaign. Google still is unregulated and moderating search suggestions and results in the U.S.A. There are articles about the massive influence of Facebook and the effect it can have on an election. The election hardware used in the 2020 election was proven to be hackable without a trace record in 2006. People openly admit doing whatever it took to vote Trump out of office. People were caught undercover, admitting they were doing whatever they could with propaganda to get Trump voted out of office. People were arrested for buying votes in the 2020 election. Laws were changed in advance of the 2020 election to benefit one party. The winning party refused to allow the opposition to monitor the voting process at specific locations. There were anomalies in the votes in multiple locations. The government stated that this was the 'most secure election in history.' Can that be proven or disproven? All of these statements can be cited. Forgive me for not having them at my fingertips.
  11. Sir, this is a forum to discuss non-wrestling topics. It is so wrong it's right.
  12. What is the risk to the newspaper owner(s) for publishing defamation and/or false light? Did anyone at the newspaper get into trouble? Did the Biden family file a lawsuit?
  13. I agree that we would not get the truth from Trump. However, I'll add that some theories seem probable and cannot be proven or disproven.
  14. Is it acceptable for a particular group of people to suppress views they disagree with and amplify views they prefer? Many adults who believe that Twitter is a large digital public square are appalled by the one-sided bias of Twitter employees and the U.S. government. Twitter was a publicly owned company that lied about censorship and shadow-banning behavior in public blogs and congressional testimony. This rubs me the wrong way. The laptop story is probably a true narrative and another Biden embarrassment. Biden is a failed father (IMO), a seasoned pathological liar (fact), corrupt (fact), and handsy/creepy (IMO). Given what Tony Bobulinski and James Gilliar stated, in collaboration with Hunter's emails, it is probable that Joe Biden is the 'big guy' with the 10% payout. Conflict of interest? Here is the email in question - https://bidenlaptopemails.com/biden-emails/email.php?id=20170513-064828_477. Wasn't there enough time for at least one paper to vet before publishing the news? What had the FBI done with the laptop given to them before it was given to the press? What is the FBI doing with the laptop investigation now? Why did the FBI influence the larger media to lie in the laptop news before and after it was released? People like Sam Harris are on record as not caring if Biden was comatose, children kept in the basement, etc. Take any citizen in the U.S., and they would make a better president than Donald Trump. Get Trump out of office at all costs. Is it possible that Biden and Trump are dirty? Must it be an OR statement?
  15. Yes, Trump bears responsibility. Trump lost the election. Whether he felt or was hypothetically cheated, he should have done everything he could to ensure a peaceful transfer. There was probably a lot more to the 2020 election and the events leading to the Jan 6th event than the public will ever know. I'd like to know the truth from more people than Trump.
  16. Running deficits, increasing debt, and blindly approving a budget rubs me the wrong way. I am concerned about the U.S.A. government's fiscal future and how it will affect my kin. Excessive government spending is causing high inflation that has increased the costs of raising my family far faster than my wages have grown. Running an annual national federal deficit is the same as it almost always is; run without a balanced or surplus budget. How will future social services be paid? Will my children provide a better life for their families than I provided them? I want our elected leaders to put on their big boy/girl pants and take better responsibility and accountability for finance management.
  17. Can you spot the abstractions in this? Someone trained in word semantics will recognize a bunch of blabs like this Which America are we talking about? Government? Citizens? What is meant by arsenal? What is the definition of democracy here? What is meant by Ukraine's survival? Who is the public, and how is the visit meant to be a rebuke? These are nonsense words that drive emotion. What objects/things/referents does each abstract concept apply to? How can the average reader understand what the author wants to say?
  18. Follow up from candid comments. Dude roughly says yes the Biden censorship was an open conspiracy for the good of the mankind. Such nonsense.
  19. Whiskey and some books The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase (1938) Range by David Epstein (2019) Funky by Ben Askren (2022)
  20. The tyranny of words illustrates miscommunication across Primitives Pioneers Logicians Philosophers Economists Scientists Mathematicians Judges Statesmen One can find the book online at https://archive.org/stream/B-001-003-912/The-Tyranny-of-Words_djvu.txt
  21. My wife asked yesterday what this book was about. Me: "The food we eat will rot our teeth." Her: "You are an idiot." Me: "What picture comes to mind when you think about food?" Her: "Turkey. Thanksgiving Smoked Turkey." Me: "You idiot. I was thinking about freshly baked German chocolate cake with pecan icing, cookies, and other desserts." Her: "Dessert is not food." Me: "That is a harmless example of The Tyranny of Words." Her: "Hey kids. What picture comes to mind when you think about food?" [trying to make the case against dessert as food ] We miscommunicate when using abstract words like "food." The audience and speaker have different interpretations and cannot understand each other. We should be on guard when marketing, news, and politics speak abstractly. The conversation is meaningless when we cannot identify the specific object referred to. We should select words for accurate, specific, complete, and readily understood communication. Another Tyranny of Words example can be found in the Monty Python "Holy Grail" film to determine "the lady is a witch!" So logically... therefore... a witch. We shall use the largest scales.
  22. Given that our life experiences differ, our interpretations of words for high-order abstractions differ, and related discussion is meaningless. You will receive ten different answers from ten different people about what pictures come to mind when they hear the terms wokeism, fascism, capitalism, liberty, idealism, and so on. This explains why what we hear is what we prefer to hear, which is that the other is an imbecile, a malcontent, an enemy to the country, and otherwise no good person. Time is saved to reach meaningful conversations on high-order abstractions by starting with things to which one can point, simple things with simple words, ascending the abstraction ladder gingerly, and pausing for frequent checks. The Tyranny of Words was a Christmas present this year. I have read half the book and find it impressive how relevant the material is for discussion today. There are more than two movies playing simultaneously in the same theatre.
  23. Merry Christmas to all in the style of @Wrestleknownothing /imagine santa clause wrestling elves in a swimming pool Navigate to Discord Midjourney - https://discord.com/invite/midjourney
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