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Everything posted by jross

  1. True but you say little in support of it. Rather you transition to what about some victim situation rather than plus 1 it or make it about both accountability AND social concern. You do not know my intentions and you have not asked for them. You have no idea what I do for others and you have not asked. You have criticized me for what you think I believe and what you think I don't perform without asking or knowing anything.
  2. The bible says that Christians should obey man's law unless it conflicts with biblical (God's word) law. Christians should pay the government its taxes for example. Said differently, Christians should obey God rather than human beings. During the civil rights movement, Christians peacefully protested segregation laws and discrimination, inspired by God... even though the actions were in conflict with the governement. My criticism there is that the bible states there is divine origin of governmental authority and calls for submission to it. It is hard to fathom that Biden and Trump have divine origin of authority.
  3. I'm not aware of the religious affiliations of forum members... but I do perceive hostility when the 'bigot' label is thrown around. Christians are people just like you and me concerning the errors they make... You are misinformed to pin their behaviors on Christian doctine. My personal understanding of neighborliness extends beyond geographical boundaries. The definition implied in the bible is not narrow either. My precendence is self, family, friends, neighbors in close proximity, and then neighbors further out. A local kid in need of school lunch is more important to me than a school lunch for a kid in Mexico. Sure some outcomes are beyond control. While empathy is valuable, personal accountability is worth more. The USA isn't taking care of itself and has no plan to... thus the help outside of it is a problem.
  4. You are correct. What I said is not 100% across all the followers but it is almost there. Can you use the bible and your knowledge of its followers to inform me. I am open and like to learn. I am speaking from experience, exploration, and research. What are you speaking from?
  5. TPTD's criticism indicates little knowledge of how much his social justice advocacy resonates with Christian theology. It is foolish to dismiss everything, even the good, because of one(few) thing(s) they don't agree with.
  6. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues. If my content annoys you, there is an ignore feature. If the topic annoys you, there is an ignore for it also. If you want to silence or change my mind, logic and data are your tools. I do not attend church, I do not pray, and I am not religious.
  7. Comms Hold your nose when visiting this site to watch the video. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-he-didnt-do-that-when-asked-about-proclaiming-easter-as-trans-day-of-visibility
  8. Have you heard of the false consensus effect? Where is your evidence that the majority agrees with the holiday to begin with, let alone highlighing it on Easter? That would be peculiar. 8 in 10 US identify as religious and 7 of those as Christian - https://news.gallup.com/poll/200186/five-key-findings-religion.aspx I'm in the 2 of 10 that do not. Biden is doing everything he can to get railroaded in a few months.
  9. I'm 100% certain that I did not create the laws and it seems 100% reasonable to expect them to be enforced.
  10. I am asking you to research because Christians are not Jewish. The Old Testament contains (Moses/Mosiac) laws for Jewish people. The New Testament acknowledges the Old Testament laws but teaches that through Jesus Christ, a new covenant has been established that supersedes. Besides the parts on the after life, the New Testament is about love and forgiveness. Jews do not follow the New Testament. Outside the 10 commandments, Christian's don't bother with laws from the Old Testament. The NT says the OT law is fullfilled! Christians really focus on two commandments (love god, love your neighbor). The NT says that governing authorities (ack!) are established by God and should be obeyed, as long as their commands do not contradict God's commands. You are correct that the NT mentions slaves. It says slaves should obey their masters with sincerity and wholeheartedness, just as masters should treat slaves fairly, knowing that they themselves have a master in heaven. You specifically would really like what the NT has to say about helping people and justice. You might not like what it has to say about diligence and personal accountability. You might also like the guidance in the Old Testament in the book of proverbs. We argue left and right over wisdom more than 2000 years old. Timeless. I do not want to serve a God that had the Old Testament laws. Jesus is great but its the same God and that gives me pause. The people who do not act as the NT commands gives me pause. Traveling to other countries, reading other religion books, and getting to know people from different culures has me wondering what religion I would be if born somewhere else. I also wonder if people in other cultures meet their religious God in their near death experiences. Big questions that I cannot get satisfactory answers too. None of this changes the facts I'm sharing that the NT is all about the golden rule. Its the damn people that give Christianity a bad name. I'd have an easier time believing if a Muslim NDE, Budha NDE, Hindu NDE, etc. all met Jesus when they saw the light and returned.
  11. I don't like consumerism or social pressure holidays. I don't like that my parents, sisters, and in-laws are non-compromising that holidays fall on certain days and are unwilling to choose conventiant days for everyone. I don't like our president announcing sex days for edge cases that fall on religious holidays when it stirs the pot for so many people. You know... bitter... unpleasant... frustrated. A wellness day is a good idea... people can choose how to spend their wellness day. Thanksgiving is good. Christmas literally says "Christ" in the name and is a Federal holiday. I'm not the biggest fan because of the consumer side of it.. but this holiday is the full-stop on whether the US is a Christian nation. End of rambling.
  12. Biden's move wasn't worth the squeeze. What was he thinking?
  13. I should be able to travel anywhere in the community and expect everyone to follow the laws agreed to by all who choose to live or vist the community. If the community allows naked bike riders, than yes... agreed... and FWIW I wouldn't live there.
  14. Is the 'holy bible' a book, or a collection of books divided into two categories? What is the oldest version of any biblical book and what major discrepancies are found in print from that original compared to today? What is the difference between a Jew and Christian with respect to the Old and New testament? For the books applicable to Christians, where is it condoned to hold slaves and stone people? Bonus points if you can tie Islam to the Old Testament with respect to stoning.
  15. After a certain threshold, the death tax should be considerably higher. Under a certain (still high) threshold, zero tax should be taken.
  16. I think you have misunderstood me. I'm a bitter holiday guy that prefers holidays that focus on spending quality time with loved ones and expressing genuine gratitude.
  17. YES! AND they must follow the public decency laws!
  18. Many people support at least one policy that go against the well-being of society. What specifically are talking about and why?
  19. This is a friendly reminder that the post contained two links indicating a large number of celebrations for sexual preference and parenthood. Besides it not really being 100 holidays for either, there are a lot of holidays for both and over 100 days of recognition for sex preference.
  20. Nope, but I believe him because I've seen this as both a manager and employee. There is reason I continue to tell my daughter she is on the expedited leaderhship path in engineering if she has confidence and competency.
  21. The behavior at the parades often violate the golden rule and public decency laws. I'm not 17 years old... rather am the father of one.
  22. Religion is a framework that can be used in various ways. Not all religions are the same, and some are certainly better than others. Find me where the New Testament has its followers threaten punishment for existence. It could? I'm aware that the punishment for sin is separation (and worse) from God in the afterlife. I'm not aware of punishment during life. Its rather about forgiveness and love. ...now the Old Testament is different but does not apply People are even changing the bible to fit their needs! Wrong. Morals are straightforward and universal: Follow the Golden Rule and obey your community/government laws. Do this, and we would still have parades—but probably not nudists on bicycles.
  23. I generally agree, but... many things do not need to be celebrated in public, sexual preferences is one of them. My niece's mid-career boyfriend has been recommended for promotion four times and lost out to a diversity hire each time. He wants to change companies but worries that all the large companies utilize DEI. He is marginalized because of his sex and race. Should he get 100 holidays? Regarding multicultural society, what are your thoughts on the studies discussing how this creates violence and uncomfortable situations? I have mixed thoughts.
  24. Most of us are happily clueless—ignorance is bliss. Now that it is known, it cannot be unknown. It's not just one day—over 100 days are recognizing a tiny percentage of the population. This seems unreasonable. https://twitter.com/JonSchweppe/status/1774199221895254125 But then again... who knew there were so many parent holidays? https://nationaltoday.com/parents-holidays/ I'm the bitter guy who finds holidays are actually forced shopping days. I'd rather have 100 days of Thanksgiving than any shopping, sexual choice, or whatever weird days people want to celebrate.
  25. The dog woke me up in the middle of the night, as usual, and my mind is spinning over work stuff. Can't sleep. So what do I do about nearly two decades? I open up and begin reading Proverbs from the Old Testament. It truly contains timeless wisdom, and certain insights hit me differently now than they did then. The concept of prudence, showing goodwill, showing kindness to those that annoy you... spot on. I see the comments about how you become the people you hang out with. How you should avoid negative people. How you should recognize and address injustice when you can. Those who give are given more in return. The value of diligence and personal responsibility. Later, I stumbled upon a secular message that I agreed with from an unlikely source. You don't have to be Christian to recognize its goodness so far as religions go. So much of what I value as good comes from it.
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