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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. What is the reason for sympathy? It seems like he rolled the dice and lost. He left a head coaching job for the chance at a different head coaching job. I know some have theorized he was promised the other head coaching job, but others have theorized he was not promised. I am not aware of any claim by Scott that he was promised the job. So absent any promises, he just miscalculated.
  2. Democrats have painted themselves into a difficult corner. Either proceed with a clearly diminished Biden, or move forward with a candidate that was not chosen by voters
  3. When used in reference to time, this indicates current or next. So, both.
  4. My daughter turned me on to a podcast that is doing an in depth review of The Power Broker. Each month they go through a few chapters at a time in detail. I have been loving this podcast. https://99percentinvisible.org/club/
  5. To be fair, my criteria was completely arbitrary. I am sure there are plenty of HOFers who do not meet it.
  6. I thought this was @ionel's job. Don't let the union foreman find out.
  7. They oughta put that guy in the HOF for his views on stalling alone.
  8. It is that last part that was the reason for the question. Which program is willing to take a chance? If there was a team that was close to PSU, then that team might be tempted. That certainly seemed to be the case last season with Iowa. While it is unfair to equate the opinions of GIA posters with Iowa coaches, there were a number who flip flopped on the prospect when they thought it could knock PSU off their pedestal. And his social media posts suggested that at least one booster was willing to pony up enough to put him in a lease (of course, we cannot discount that was just Ferrari going to Sixt for the day). Now with no one seemingly close, that particular motivation is removed, thereby limiting Ferrari's options even further than just what he did with his own behavior.
  9. Not exactly. They argued that it depended on the circumstances. A technicality, perhaps. But still less strong an argument than a blanket "is an official act."
  10. How did the conversation with Robert Eiger go?
  11. My point is they will not lose sales because of this kid. As a matter of fact, they believe they will increase sales because of this kid and I find it very, very, very unlikely this will change that.
  12. It would be an epic, massive, galactic over reaction and no one would care.
  13. Anyone claiming Biden did not do serious damage to his election prospects tonight is fooling themselves. And anyone who thinks Trump's comfort with lies does not border on the pathological is also fooling themselves. Before tonight I would have said there is a 0% chance that Biden is not the Democratic candidate. Now it is not 0%.
  14. I wonder how much NIL is even coming from corporations or small businesses at this point. It seems like the big deals (say >$100k for a wrestler or use of a car for a year) is coming from boosters who are more interested in the pay to play aspect rather than the commercial aspects of the actual NIL of the athlete. I have no knowledge one way or the other, but it just seems like it would likely be that way for these deals to come together quickly and as a package.
  15. I don't view it as selling his soul if his motivation is to help and mentor Ferrari. If he is in it just for the dough, then that soul is already sold. Then there is a whole spectrum of choices in between.
  16. He was using my guess. 1 in 4 might be aggressive given my stated position that no one gets better at wrestling by not wrestling, but he did win once, so there is that. On the other hand, if Starocci and he are both 197 then I think I drop Ferrari to somewhere in the 1 in 10 range.
  17. The NCAA D1 removes cannabinoids from its banned drug class for championships and postseason football. “The NCAA drug testing program is intended to focus on integrity of competition, and cannabis products do not provide a competitive advantage,” Council chair and Illinois athletic director Josh Whitman said. “The council’s focus is on policies centered on student-athlete health and well-being rather than punishment for cannabis use.” Somewhere @WrestlingRasta is smiling.
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