Man. No stall calls on Kerk given how they called other matches is brutal. Dean managed to do less than Warner (which is hard to do) and win (to be clear, I don't think there should have been stalling calls on Dean, unless the ref was going to call double stalling, because that was awful). Starocci has more in him than he shows, which makes it frustrating to watch him. He's so much better than Nelson Brands.
Teske nearly stalled his way to a decision, but karma caught up to him. Bartlett, Van Ness, and Facundo had jo discernible offense, same with Siebrecht (fun match, but Cobe only barely avoided a couple of more Haines TDs) and Brands (nice try to pretend like you're active without taking committed shots.
All the wrestlers on both teams were disappointing to me in the second half of the dual except for Brooks.