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Everything posted by TNwrestling

  1. Metcalf to Iowa State.
  2. I don't think the NLWC has a sales dept...
  3. Stanford eliminated Remaining Schools: Air Force Arizona State Cornell Iowa Iowa State Lehigh Michigan Missouri Nebraska Northern Iowa Ohio State Oklahoma State Penn State Pitt Pitt-Johnstown Princeton Rutgers Virginia Tech
  4. I said they got a state champ to play the lead in Win/Win. Regardless of the state if they got a state champ to play the lead in Unstoppable the wrestling would be ASTRONOMICALLY better than in Legendary, Vision Quest or hell, even Foxcatcher.
  5. Immediately @WrestlingRash least favorite team...he hates everything woke.
  6. 1/10 rage bait. try harder jimmy
  7. you know, its possible to have a stupid ass opinion and keep it to yourself. please, do better.
  8. first off, im at my job now replying to your idiocracy...so yeah i do things on company time that aren't for my job second, if you think the school isnt supporting this and going to promote the hell out of it WHEN he wins it you're even dumber now than i thought you were ten minutes ago.
  9. Just when i think you can't POSSIBLY come back on here and say something more stupid than you did you continue to prove me wrong. He's a grown ass adult. If he wants to wrestle he'll wrestle.
  10. he certainly has the social media followings for those numbers to be possible in the future. I'd think he'd need to pump those numbers up though into actual influencer level followers
  11. It's always the same old guys giving the "back in my day" speech who have a problem with it.
  12. The reason Win/Win is the best wrestling movie made is because they got a state champ wrestler to play the lead...if the lead actor in this hasnt ever wrestled its just gonna look like every other wrestling movie ever made
  13. thats enough social media foryou for the day. give your phone back to your nurse
  14. hes the top guy...he proved it at the wtt qualifier. he proved it as a 17 year old in a 20 year old division. the amount of stupidity you continue to post is baffling.
  15. "Signs of a bust starting to show now" were your exact words. at no point did you say potential. just do us all a favor...become a fan of basketball and go away
  16. NATO hired on as assistant coach today at CSU-B
  17. says the guy who called a 17 year old kid who just medaled at u20 worlds a "bust". Also, idk why you keep calling me uncle bassett. context clues of my handle would tell you im from tennessee...are the bassetts from tennessee? negative..
  18. Congratulations on the dumbest thing said on this forum today...
  19. Appreciate your insight, from what im told by people within the actual program they DO see Sammy going 165
  20. I mean, to be completely fair, three are EXPECTED to red shirt. The season hasn't started yet. One of those 3 you mention that i know has said he expects to and wants to rs but obviously with Dylan's situation nothing is for certain at the moment.
  21. There's probably five kids ready to go at 149 and all of them could have a productive season.
  22. I've been told they expect sammy to be the guy at 165
  23. he's 17 wrestling at u20 and lost one time and after one SINGLE loss you think hes a bust...after worlds.... jesus christ you guys are asinine. imagine actively routing for a kid to lose...
  24. I'll never understand why he thinks him doing the splits makes him look like a badass...it makes him look fruity.
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