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Everything posted by TNwrestling

  1. Scoring in any sport is arbitrary to someone who doesn't understand it.
  2. You backed him into a corner and all he can do is troll his way out.
  3. Bretli Reyna from Iowa to Chattanooga.
  4. So football's rosters will now cap at 105 but wrestling rosters cap at 30? In what realm does an nfl team cap their roster at 53 but college needs double that?
  5. I can tell you with the utmost certainty that Marcus Blaze is not a shoe-in to commit to tOSU.
  6. sexual assault, a brother whos a thief, and a crazy ass family are pretty much deal breakers.....he had his shot at iowa. he blew it. he'llnever wrestle for an ncaa team ever again. ill bet everything i have in my bank account right now....
  7. FloWrestling reported that Kennedy Blades has signed with Iowa to compete for them next year. Just a few days after Macey Kiltey signed with Iowa as well. They also return a national champ around that weight next year too along with 3 other national champs
  8. I dont think that match was NEARLY as hyped as the Taylor vs Palmer match in the St Eds/StPG dual. Both 3x Oh state champs at the time. Taylor number 1 pfp and Palmer in the top 5. Taylor goes UP to face him. David was already a smaller 135 and Collin was a MASSIVE 140. Collin hadn't ever lost to anybody in the state of Ohio to that point and Taylor had 2 instate losses but had avenged both. It was billed the match of the century....then it lived up to the hype
  9. The ESPN special "The Streak" added to his lore. He was demolishing kids in that show.
  10. Coleman Scott and Kolin Moore named to the RTC coaching staff! big things happening in Columbus!
  11. 45 minutes past with no announcement is crazy lol. Who is running their social media?
  12. I'm surprised there isnt more traction on this. Let's hear yall's guesses!!
  13. Any guesses as to what it may be? No leaks, just speculation as they wouldn't tell me what exactly the news is...just that its happening.
  14. I know I'm the tn homer here but Desselle IS going to make an impact on that roster. He slips through the cracks bc he tore his acl and sat out the summer before his sr year. Decided to move to Columbus immediately after graduating instead of doing the jr duals and fargo thing this summer.
  15. Its just people whining to whine. He could've come straight out and gave a list of 5 schools and they still would've had the same savior complex for the other schools.
  16. i guarantee neither the bassett's nor the coaches care as much as you do.
  17. Oh please do tell
  18. I wish more things in life were signifanct
  19. Schools removed today are CSU-Bakerfield George Mason Hfostra Northwestern Rider West Liberty Wisconsin-Parkside
  20. jayson ness and ian miller are two of the most entertaining kids to watch in the last decade.
  21. 100% this. By all appearances he seems to be a good kid and is marketable. As long as he keeps on this path it's good for the sport and whichever school he chooses.
  22. If it means keeping the money lined heavily in their pockets yes. They'll do EXACTLY as they're told. shake your head all you want. if you can't see the guy couldn't give two shits about you or me im not sure i can help you.
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