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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I don’t see any examples in there, I just see you typing stuff. This site has a feature where you can look up my post history. In there I think you’ll find that the threads I start out about music, or food, or unity. If you’d like to provide examples of me being in full meltdown mode, maybe starting with….show me where I mentioned Trump in any way in the post you responded to, or….you can show me anywhere I said anything about people in meltdown mode because they are talking about Harris/Waltz….then I am more than happy to take a look and see where I mistaken. Secondly, I didn’t claim you were anything. I made yet another observation that you constantly claim you can’t stand him, but yet you are so quick to come to his defense. Even in, as in this case, he was not mentioned, at all. Do yourself a favor if you’d like to carry on a conversation with me…..stick to what I actually say.
  2. Provide some examples of my full meltdown please. Please provide examples of my starting thread after thread, or spending days on end arguing over and over "yeah but's" , or posting furiously on twitter, (same screen name) or any of those other 'meltdown' characteristics you have experienced from me. You sure jump at every possible opportunity to defend the guy for "not being able to stand the guy". I mean.......I didn't mention anything about Trump at all here, nada nothing zilch, I said nothing about who particularly is in meltdown mode, just that some folks are, but yet.... you're right there ready to defend. Hmmmmmm.
  3. Haven't watch two seconds of either convention, but all you need to do to tell how they are going is read this board, or twitter. Some folks are in full meltdown mode.
  4. Not a 'D' but I'll take a stab at it. I wonder if it has anything to do with Fox being held liable to the tune of millions and millions of dollars for continuously broadcasting lies in a direct effort to benefit the shennaigans of her opponent. Terrible take.
  5. This race is over, he is not looking good. Starting to wonder if he even makes it to November.
  6. Another good reason to still use cash, I just cashed in the change bucket I started at the beginning of last school year. $589. Drinks on me….
  7. I used to do alot of safe sport training for the USOC when it was first coming out. For every case you hear about.....there are nine that you do not. Not saying that says anything about this particular case, but it is more 'normal' than most people think.
  8. A mistake is only a mistake if you fail to learn from it and grow. Because at that point it evolves from a mistake, to a learning experience.
  9. Yeah thanks for pointing that out…who knew. We had one (Cat 5) destroy our house, while my wife was battling a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. And then we rebuilt our house, while she was battling a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. Had to spend three months bouncing around rental homes during the process, but we got it done. I rebuilt it to be as though it was a vacation house, it’s wonderful, and I’m about 250k on top. She’s gone, but I’m still here. Go ***duck** yourself.
  10. Did you all hear last night that, in regard to the jobs growth report…..those added jobs, a significant number above, well beyond 100% of those jobs, went to immigrants. It’s incredible what’s happening.
  11. Don't disagree. My point being the call out of "well i don't like it so its bias"
  12. This chart will tell you how biased your favorite news source is - Big Think Reuters - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) Reuters Media Bias | AllSides Three different evaluation sites all placing Reuters as 'center'. "Bias" is not determined by whether or not the reader likes or is comfortable with what they are reading. (PS- BBC is another good site for neutral US news)
  13. The guy was not new at the olympics, he's been doing this for a while, worlds included. And he is good at is job, not everyone in the world speaks in an American dialect. He's not the decision maker, he is the one explaining the decision made, which is probably why he was getting a little frustrated with Dake acting like a child to him.
  14. Not even a little bit. All good vibes here
  15. Ahhh. I see. So it’s back to the kiddie table for you. You sure get uncomfortable talking to someone with a different or challenging opinion. Say hi to your butt buddy for me, haven’t heard from him in a while.
  16. Which vote would you be referring to, since you seem to think to know so much about me?
  17. I laughed when you said I don’t understand “the art of the deal”. I mean I truly laughed. However, I complete 100% agree it is a job that should be merit and not on feels. And it has been proven for anyone who has yet to believe it. It’s all there right in front of their eyes.
  18. Salmon, on a bed of cherry wood chips, with my special bourbon and sweet chili glaze...
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