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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Yes, he was voted in through an election victory in 2020. He was going to run again, but it became blatantly obvious that he should not, so he is not. There is another old, incoherent, babbling convicted criminal who is blatantly obvious should not be running again, but the other side is too busy licking balls. It would be good for the other side to see the light, get rid of the guy so conservatives can start winning more elections again, and conservative policy can start getting on the board again. I wish republicans would start looking more inward instead of this odd obsession with 'owning the libs'. Anyone who knows anything about performance knows that one of the major keys to success is focusing within, on what you can control. But.....those balls must be pretty tasty. And while Republicans are getting their licks in, Democrats are winning elections and getting liberal policy through...... But hey, keep up the good work. It's proven mighty successful......right?
  2. Democrats did the right thing and got a guy who has no business being in the white house off the ballot. But on the other side......still wiping their chins with every incoherent dribble that comes out.
  3. Anyone see his last 'speech'? He does not look good at all. Following the speech he backed out of the 60 minutes interview. At what point do all of his nut swingers start to get concerned about his health?
  4. “Again”, He didn’t say there is no more, the question was would more be sent. And his answer was more than just the word no. That has been explained and quoted for you; but you don’t want to listen so you can keep your warm fuzzies and push a lie in the face of human tragedy. And it’s pathetic. But to help you try to understand why there is not infinite, unlimited federal resources to send (even though all of the governors have stated they have received what they requested, and then some, from the federal govt)…. Funds are compartmentalized. There’s not one big pot from which one week they withdrawal for Ukraine (which, is not all cash but also equipment and other resources that have absolute no use in a natural disaster area, since you want to keep making that comparison) and then the next week they decide to draw from the same one single account for a hurricane recovery. That’s just simply not how that works (and I’m guessing you know this, but that doesn’t help your warm fuzzies) Another very simple aspect of that is, let’s say they dump every dollar of those particular resources into the five states now. What’s going to happen when another hurricane comes in a couple weeks, or another fire breaks out in California, or Oklahoma gets ravaged with tornadoes, or an earthquake hits, or any other natural disaster that fema has to respond to…..but the funds are truly all gone because we spent it all on one event. What would happen then. Well what would happen would be those communities would truly receive no resources. And the same shitheads who are now saying the feds are no where to be found, would be crying another river because there truly would be no funds left.
  5. So, as you can see, just because someone posts something on social media doesn’t mean that’s accurate. You may find that, a lot of stuff you see on and in media is not true….unless “you don’t hate media enough” only applies to those stories that don’t give you your warm fuzzies for your politics. But the truth is FEMA and the feds are on the ground and running. Even throughout people posting their bullshit on social media. I’ve been in these situations, more than once. Working directly with them. And seeing what is put out there…literally during the process of what they say is not happening…is pathetic.
  6. Well, I actually did share earlier in this thread. And then I asked you if you would like me to share, to which you responded with yet another tik tok post. But I will quote it to share again for you.
  7. Again….i have direct personal experience with these kinds of videos.
  8. That took place about 20 years before he was President…
  9. I have very direct, personal, non Twitter TikTok experience regarding these types of videos. Would you like me to share?
  10. So….i have to ask, are you under the impression that when you hear the US sent X dollars to Ukraine, that all of that amount is in cash, and not at all factored in the amount in (old) military equipment and other resources other than cash? Are you of the believe that there is just one big chunk of cash sitting in Washington, and when we send support to….wherever….its just a matter of how much cash to pull from our bank?
  11. I have on several occasions. At one point the joke of the board was how in one thread I had ole what’s his name who used to follow me around, but has seem to have disappeared, throwin his insults at me when I was calling him out, while on the other hand had three point takedown on another thread doing the exact same thing. I’ve had people give me shit about being on the fence and not picking a side, because I call it out as I see it….not only if it’s one side or the other. But maybe your best bet is to stop obsessing with what the left is doing so much, and focus within. Just a thought.
  12. So you would agree as we the people, we should all be upset when a politician lies to us, regardless of what party they represent?
  13. It’s wrong. Politicians…ALL politicians…need to stop lying to the American people. Wouldn’t you agree?
  14. In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re on a different topic over here.
  15. I wonder if they say that because of the number of Republican congressman that have come out and said we could’ve gotten done, but Trump got on the phone and killed it.
  16. And then lying about the answer. To your other post, in saying it sounds even worse that no more is being sent, shows a lack of understanding of how the processes work in these situations. Your lack of understanding does not = the parties failing in doing their job. You would do yourself some good to understand that.
  17. I don’t remember the exact questions, but specifically recall them going to back to Walz to clarify the reality in discrepancies in what he said. I didn’t see where it was any more or less one way than the other. I also didn’t see the questions were at all biased. And frankly I don’t have any problem whatsoever with the moderators calling out a blatant lie for either one. But republicans were already before the debate even started that it was rigged, just like in 2020 they pre emoted the election. I felt the moderators did exactly what they were supposed to do and did a good job. Others can and will disagree.
  18. Excellent irony, and excellent example of what I’m talking about here. This just popped up on my memories, two years ago today. This was day four from when Ian hit, and day three in which I was working directly with FEMA and the National Guard, coordinating and operating distribution centers, for the purpose of distributing federal resources to the community. I remember this because I got home and posted this after a 15 hour day, and after posting scrolled FB, to find some Republican politicians on social media talking about “where’s the federal government”….which of course people in the community parroted on social media, even though the federal government was all over the area. I remember thinking, well these people obviously weren’t at one of the four distribution centers that had been literally stuffing the trunks of thousands of cars with supplies the last three days….but surely they saw the hundreds and hundreds of linemen that had come into our community from other states, (paid for by the federal government) or surely they saw the chinooks that were constantly flying overhead, dropping off supplies and picking up stranded victims from the islands. Surely they saw them…but some people have a personality trait that makes them feel better to push lies, even in the face of human tragedy, for political purposes.
  19. Vance certainly won the debate hands down. To the point he may have even driven some conservative voters who want conservative policy but just can’t vote for Trump. That said, I thought the moderators did just fine. They called both out on discrepancies. They were diligent in keeping on topic and in the time frame. And they cut the mic when it went out of those parameters. Their job is not to ask the question and then just shut up until the candidates are done talking (we would never get anywhere). The job title is ‘moderator’ for a reason.
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