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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. So this is interesting. I don’t really pay attention to the likes and what not. But what I’m learning here is that Cabbage Patch actually does like a lot of the things I write….he just really enjoys spreading shit with his fingers. Color me surprised.
  2. Don’t agree that it was the stupidest question ever. Given what they are charged with deciding it is a very legitimate question (particularly with todays political climate) But he’s right, the judge did ask the question. It’s not like the attorney brought it up as a point of argument. He answered the judge’s question.
  3. There is no bigger game of “I know you are but what am I” than between hardcore democrats and hardcore republicans.
  4. @mspart https://www.yahoo.com/news/dustup-between-joe-biden-hampshire-101902560.html
  5. Since I’ve had some requests today I thought I would oblige. How do you butter your brisket???
  6. No new coach for them cowboys. I like that non-move.
  7. In a thread started by the guy who’s nuts your drooling over, for that specific purpose. You’re not even fun any more, just simply too easy. Bye Felicia.
  8. That request explains so much…
  9. Naaahhhhh…..another coach beating me in a dual is a bitch slapping, Mother Nature taking out my home is a bitch slapping…you know, real world. If you want fantasy time, you gotta clean up the play dough station first, you need two more gold stars for fantasy land. Maybe try again tomorrow.
  10. Looks like we do need to adjust your nap time. Came out a little too early to play with your Cabbage Patch Kid. Run along…
  11. I thought we already had this discussion about not responding with emotions. You got the wrong guy. I’ve never mentioned anything on this board related to my personal finances. It’s the other guy talking about rich/non-rich. Do we need to adjust your nap time?
  12. Bob Marley said they way to get the world to what we want to be, is to live the world we want to see.
  13. “Take the L”?? My teenager says that when he says something stupid to his sister walking through the kitchen. Shouldn’t you be in arts and crafts time?!
  14. Hey look who’s up. Don’t have a tantrum, your bottle will be warm in a minute.
  15. We had some major rain/flooding here Mon-Tues. A lot of Tesla drivers having a bad week…
  16. Oh fear not, it’s not Charlie Kirk. I don’t take a single thing you say/post seriously, because I do not find you at all a serious person. . (just letting you know so you can use your time efficiently in the future)
  17. Anybody know what the number is for max years Trump is facing?
  18. I’m aware of all that. Just the first time I’ve seen the max facing. I haven’t kept up on Hunter ‘news’ in a minute…
  19. Just curious, but how is that? He’s literally talking about what his personal experience is/has been recently. I can’t say I share in the same experience, but how is he just yelling at cloud. I mean damn he’s done enough of the work to know the percentages he is up or down. Kinda seems the opposite of “old man yells at cloud” (sorry Jross don’t mean to speak for you….although I guess that’s exactly what I just did)
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