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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. You may have finally caught on to something. The ability to wonder is a beautiful thing. It opens your eyes, and your perspective, to aspects of the world you never realized existed, and can enrich even the happiest of lives.... The Sense of Wonder | Psychology Today
  2. I wonder if there are any educators amongst our friends here, who would be willing to start a reading comprehension thread, so some of our participants could practice their skills. It seems it could be useful.
  3. Just got home from a long weekend in the SW Lake Michigan pocket. Lived in (just north of) that area for a bit before Florida. Nice refresher of how beautiful that part of the country is…
  4. I don’t know what all those new buttons are supposed to mean so…..
  5. Actually, I read one page, and then read the number ‘5’ in that little section that indicates number of pages. We’ve discussed this whole reading comprehension thing before, I hope for your sake you will soon take heed. Enjoy your weekend of happiness (It’s a long weekend, a little practice wouldn’t hurt)
  6. And this, my dear friends, is a perfect representation of how people behave when they are completely “happy” with their life. Five pages worth of sheer happiness.
  7. Nice move on the goal post. I love whenever someone throws out the “we are not a democracy”. None of that answers my question though.
  8. Ahhhhh. So the next question is, are you purposely leaving out the entire series of events leading up to the ‘visits’, or do you just not know enough about the whole of the cases to have any clue what you’re talking about?
  9. So states and feds forcing and denying celebrations the public wants is an okay matter that soldiers didn’t die for? I have a feeling soldiers in the revolutionary army would disagree.
  10. Are you speaking to the entire timeline of events, or just picking out parts of each?
  11. What other very similar situations are you referring to, when considering the entire timeline of events?
  12. Somewhere there is a video, and I’m trying to find it but failing, of someone mocking like they are in Biden’s ear instructing him while walking to the podium when he trips over that sandbag. It’s one of the funniest videos in the history of social media, but I can’t find it. Someone help…
  13. So your answer is the purpose of the government, and the constitution, is to avoid civil discourse? Or are you saying that people/communities cannot possibly be American if they choose to celebrate and commemorate other things beside just being American? As to avoiding controversy, I’ve never heard of any larger controversy involving the lighting of bridges in Florida between Memorial Day and Labor Day than there is now with this mandate, and I’m around a whole lot of Florida bridges. I’m also very interested in the varying degrees of when “big government” is okay, and when it is not. It seems for many the answer to that is solely dependent upon whether or not the current topic of conversation squares with individual beliefs.
  14. That's kind of the key, some are and some aren't, but the mandate goes for all.
  15. Changing out lights on bridges to celebrate one thing or another happens all the time. The communities do it on their own. This mandate doesn't stop decorating bridges, it stops communities from decorating how they decide to. So the cost isn't really an issue. Spending money to commemorate and celebrate things is not isolated to bridge lights.
  16. Honest question: Do American soldiers die so that people and their communities, can choose what commemorations to celebrate and how, or do soldiers die so the government can tell those communities what can be celebrated and how?
  17. Just one example, but the one getting the most attention, is the Skyway, which is not maintained and operated by the local municipality. It is the state.
  18. The huge skyway bridge to St Pete is usually decked out as such during the month...
  19. I don't disagree with any of this. But forcing 'pride' is a completely different conversation. Forcing is the opposite of freedom...
  20. Honestly I don't know if every bridge in Florida is state owned and operated or not. I do know in years past decisions on bridge lighting, whether it be for celebration or just because, have been left to the local authorities where the bridges are located.
  21. So is it your guys' position that anyone who disagrees with your perspective on something, they are blindly trusting the government and not doing any looking around? Since we are looking around there are all kinds of comparisons to 1930-40's comparisons we could make, coming from both sides of the aisle.
  22. In line with his "freedom summer", DeSantis and his Transportation Secretary have mandated that all Florida bridges must be illuminated only with red, white, and blue lights this summer. No other colors and no other commemoration of any other celebrations. Curious to see everyone's thoughts on this. Personally I love the idea of all of the states bridges (and there are a shiiiiiiiitload of bridges here in Florida) decked out in red white and blue. But I'm not sure I love the idea of the government setting this kind of mandate. Kinda seems anti-'freedom'. I like a lot (not all by any means) of what DeSantis does but this seems a bit overreach.
  23. I did say. Again, the whole reading comprehension thing. I realize it's your summer break, but maybe a half hour a day...
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