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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I don’t understand all the whining about what people wear. If you don’t like what someone is wearing, don’t focus on it. Teach your kids to wear what you think is appropriate (because my ‘appropriate’ doesn’t equal the rest of the world should do it). Down here on the beach we come across this all the time. I tell my sons listen, you’re going to see most of these women exposing 90% of their bodies. Learn to be a gentleman and only focus on the covered parts…
  2. "The jury in the crackhead in chief trial has returned a verdict. It should be reported within the hour. I expect an acquittal, but they only deliberated for 3 hours. He's obviously guilty, but the two tiered justice system and the fact its in Delaware will likely play a part." "They still have the Bribery and pay to play schemes of the Biden crime family. to answer to, this verdict is just the tip." "Absolutely. and juries being paid off and not sequestered, charges not brought that should be. yadda yadda." These quotes all literally within hours preceding the quote above. I would say you can't make this shit up but.......he did.......today!
  3. The drug charges went through a diversion program, and he no contested the later fraud.
  4. Can’t imagine why Donalds would be in the running. He’s a criminal who’s been kisssing the ring since the day he decided to run for office.
  5. If only more people who are not at all in the legal profession could get this.
  6. I’ll start with two. Norm, and Alex P. Keaton.
  7. Pretty much won't be able to take you seriously anymore when you preach to the whole board about personal responsibility.
  8. You believe one president makes more of an impact on our culture than 333 million people? No. I've never seen people attach themselves so much to a President as what we are seeing today, and that's what makes it very interesting.
  9. My quality of life is better now than it was with Trump, even with some serious hardships thrown my way the last couple of years. And when Trump was Pres, my quality of life was slightly better than under Obama. And under Obama, a little better than with Bush. Makes me wonder what the biggest factor, by a not even comparable margin, is the biggest factor in my quality of life......me, or the President.
  10. I'm sure most of the flock in here would have the exact same sentiment if the other douchebag candidate said the exact same thing.
  11. No, I’m coming across trigger points. You obviously took that a little personal, or you wouldn’t have responded, it was that comment that pushed you to enter the chat A little self reflection can go a long way.
  12. Weak. Get back to work and try to come up with something better. We’ll see how it turns out.
  13. But fortunately for us, a subject you could certainly teach me all about.
  14. When someone goes on TV and says “this is what you need to be upset about!…” Some folks just take it and dig in deep.
  15. The triggering talk is true. And likewise there are a handful of other folks who people get all up in a fuss over, and you know what they were not doing today…..visiting a probation officer. But, but…… (We’re seeing on a few of these threads what happens when you attach your sense of self, and get conned, to a con man.)
  16. You don’t have a lot of positive vibration within you, do you? It seems like you should have a lot to be happy about.
  17. I’m not sure that 2.4 to 2.2 equals less action, there could be a lot of other factors in such a small variance….most notably the emphasis this year on allowing for reaction time in neutral. How many times did we see a sequence this past year not result in a takedown, that would have been a clear takedown the year before? And knowing and adjusting to that tends to lead the wrestlers wrestling through situations more, which, creates more action. (just playing devils advocate)
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