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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Well, to be fair, he actually has been working directly in human, including women's, rights for a long time and is a representative to the UN on the matter.... You must have assumed based on his name.
  2. I'm not citing exceptions. You stated par terre was the only way to score in high level greco. I wasn't pointing exceptions, I was pointing just a few recent examples of how you're statement is in fact incorrect.
  3. I know, I was just pointing out some misperceptions.
  4. You were clearly referring to the top position being the only way to score, and you know it. As I said, one example. I could talk about the real sweet arm drag the Cuban hit in the world finals to beat Kaalap, or the arsenal that Makhmudov puts on display, all types of examples.
  5. A big part of that is the vast majority of our refs are splitting the year between folkstyle rules and international rules.
  6. Fans that jump on anonymous message boards so they can cut down athletes putting more in than they can ever imagine tolerating....
  7. You really should watch more greco if you're going to make such statements. I watched a kid score from bottom, TWICE, in this weekend's (Olympic Trials) greco tournament. Just one example.
  8. The bill is to leave the law at state and federal requirements, and not allowing a particular community to say we’re going to pass a local bill that puts a huge financial strain on local emoloyers. In other words, a local community cannot supersede the law of the land. It’s not taking away breaks, like you tried to convey in your original post. And it’s not taking away heat protections. It’s saying heat protections are already established and a local community is not going to require a local business to supersede them. They (the business) are free to if they want to, but they will not be required to.
  9. I saw a view I think Instagram that looked like the AZE got his knee up before ITA got all the way around. But, to the poster above point, it wasn’t beyond shadow of doubt to overrule the call. I don’t like the “don’t let it be close”. Easy for us to say watching on our screens. Winning a match to advance to the Olympics is really hard. Hell, in the next thread over we’re wondering if our reigning world champion can qualify…
  10. $0/hr with experience and skills in burger flippin. Lots of options. Looooooots of options.
  11. I do not. Nor am I making any statements as to what protestors on 50 college campuses are shouting. I was just asking you for a little clarification. It's okay.
  12. 2. How can anyone justify a win by criteria with a 1-1 score, both scores coming via the shot clock. Look at J'den Cox's lone win and tell me he deserved the victory. Happens too often especially in Greco. And the sad thing is that most often the first guy put on the clock is the main Staller, but obligatory shot call to the other guy comes in the 2nd pd, and he loses even when he's more active. Side note- ugliest win in the tournament McKenna vs Bartlett (must watch) We used to have 1-1 matches at the end of nine minutes, and then the three officials get together, burn a spliff, and decide who wins. As soon as there is a point on the board, you know (or should know) you are winning or losing. You know (or should know) whether you need to hold or whether you need to score. There's no its not fair here. (PS- passivity is not judged based on activity, it is based on holding center)
  13. When you say “the protestors are shouting….death to America”. Do you mean the majority of the protestors in all 50 protests are shouting it, or someone on Twitter said they heard someone heard say….?
  14. In fairness, Florida didn't take away heat breaks. Florida passed a bill that said localities can't pass their own laws, and must follow the state and federal standards on safe working environments.
  15. I've always said we the people have the ultimate power in term limits. Vote their asses out. But we don't want to do that, much easier to bitch and whine.
  16. Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here, but maybe the point is we could go on all day and talk about the atrocities committed by illeagel immigrants, legal immigrants, born citizens, white, black, hispanic, etc etc etc. But nothing is going to get done as long as we only worry about the small pieces of the puzzle our 'leaders' on our side tell us to be mad about...
  17. Sounds like a pretty nice couple days. Where in Florida? I haven’t done a day at the smoker in a few months.
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