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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. This will be interesting to watch. https://x.com/CalltoActivism/status/1815847276469768678/photo/1
  2. Really bad, and I’m really bored at this point. See you at your next screen name.
  3. This is exactly what I was going to write.
  4. I don't have a dog in the race, but yes I see MAGA freaking out. I see: "he can't drop out" (why would they want him to not drop out), but then also "he has to leave now". But mostly I see them not wanting him to drop out, when they spent the last three and a half years not wanting him as pres.
  5. Or not. The other option would be to keep looking for anything, anything at all to bitch about the other side about. That's probably going to be productive for you. All the best.
  6. Look what good results can come from R and D working together and putting all the political airwaves bullshit aside. It's almost as if this whole event could be a good lesson....
  7. I’m friends with a number of cops. Some of the best humans you’ll ever meet. There’s bad apples. For sure. I think a more accurate original post would be ‘some American police’, or maybe even ‘a growing number of’… For every instance we hear about one of these, there are two or three instances of cops putting themselves on the line for another citizen. It just doesn’t get sensationalized because, yes, it is their job. But to pain a broad brush like some are is not only dangerous, but it also takes away from the individuals bad apples who are the ones that need to be accountable, and spreads some of that accountability to those who are amazing at their job.
  8. You’re so full of shit. You were arguing with Jimmy last week, who within claimed to be retired. You’re so busy running around talking stoopid shit you can’t keep track, nor have the capability to just say, my bad, wrong guy. Go away for a little while….again…work on your posting, do better, come up with yet another screen name, (do significantly better) then come back. We’ll see how you do.
  9. Hahaha. But….TDS right?? . 16 years later and still sprung
  10. MAGA isn’t liking the recent turn of events
  11. Ehhhhh….thats smoke blowing to get something to people to bitch about. The delegates are still voting. If the constituents those delegates represent had a strong voice for another candidate, which…anyone can throw their name in the hat…then we’ll see what happens. It’s airwave blah blah blah. At least in my opinion. Can agree to disagree.
  12. Foot traffic in the house has decreased significantly. Actually thinking about retiring the pit dock….
  13. To be fair, she’s not being appointed anymore than Biden would have been appointed. The delegates still have to vote at the convention. Someone could drop their name in the hat. (Kinda surprised Newsome didn’t). It’s just throwing a monkey wrench into the process.
  14. I’ve heard same, county LE. (Someone other than Bongino) I haven’t seen anything that knocks me off my suspicion that the feds might not have necessarily know he was going to be there, but they took a persuaded wait and see approach once they were alerted to him. Even the agents that ‘covered’ him….
  15. Not old enough…according to my current pension plan. RedLobster know some shit I don’t???
  16. We’ve gone from a court of law, to geometry class….and now language arts. Come on yall, let’s see those MLA skills!!
  17. I’m still trying to figure out how I became retired.
  18. Just because he didn’t do what you were told to want him to do, doesn’t mean he was wrong in what he did. “81 million votes my ass”. Truly explains the butthurt.
  19. Bush and Biden names were on those tickets. (VP)
  20. The top ticket on the ballot will not have the name Bush, Clinton, or Biden.
  21. More mental gymnastics. I never said anything about disrespecting me. I’m inferring that saying someone is lying because you disagree with them Is disrespectful. And yes, I have zero tolerance for lying. I have a little more, but not much, for people who like to claim “lying” as a self defense mechanism. Had to cover that point. Have a good day.
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