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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. Cry more, Le duke. better yet, read more. dipshit.
  2. all i 'know' is this (and i could be wrong, i'm not an expert on the topic) but... 1) serial accuser that has lied about same allegations with other people several times 2) no evidence, to my knowledge 3) same lawyer as ashley biden 4) same judge as epstein 5) literally changed the statute of limitations law to prosecute this case 6) sexual assault in a department store? idk. too many red flags. points to witch hunt to me. and before you say i'm a trump apologist, i'm not. do i think it's beneath him? no. but unless there's something i'm missing (which is possible) i don't buy it.
  3. at the same time we're reaching banana republic status, it's also getting really scary
  4. partially agree. when they tell you to stop talking about it, you should. but in trump's case there was no evidence (despite the result of the court). what i'm getting at is if i repeatedly lied that "WrestlingRasta did XYZ" i'm sure the court wouldn't rule for me to pay $83mil (which i obviously don't have). in all other legal matters the damages are rather uniform: Jaywalking is a $50 fine no matter what your net worth.
  5. how do they come up with these figures. $83mil whatever the absurd sum was for Alex Jones. that's a lot of money for being mean and/or lying and/or whatever.
  6. what 'evidence' was there? sincere question and perhaps there was legit evidence i'm unaware of but i thought it was mostly he-said/she-said.
  7. keep drinking the kool aid, kids
  8. Very Credible
  9. https://www.espn.com/espnplus/player/_/id/86f3e608-3abf-4c3a-8508-af482300ee3c#bucketId=1
  10. you're a good dude, Rasta. sorry i get a little worked up when talking politics.
  11. yes, she listens to them (Stick Figure/Rebelution) all the time. she's going to see The Elovaters wednesday. we were together for like 6 years, then split for like a decade and got back together last year. sometime during the split is when she got into it, and i know very little about it lol
  12. She just went to some festival in Cancun called 'Closer to the Sun'
  13. right because no rich people are nut bags.
  14. Great stuff, guys. excellent idea for a thread, Rasta. My wife listens to .... idk whatever you call that new age raggae stuff all day long. she was wearing a Rize sweatshirt today actually.
  15. seems pretty level headed and credible to me
  16. Dems like to run around virtue signaling that they want whats best for the lower class but they don't have the mental capacity to process what that is. endorsing mass / illegal immigration is endorsing tougher times for America's lower class. so either get a clue or spare me how much you care about people.
  17. 1) Yes. We can't even take care of our own people. and guess who the migrants are going to have the most effect on? not the well-to-do. they are going to hurt the Americans who need the most help. how this is lost on you f'ing dunces is beyond me. 2) define suffering. 3) that's not even the point of that post. you don't find the irony / contradiction between those two statements
  18. what group you suppose got to him to make him (and the entire dem party) change their tune?
  19. he won Fargo.
  20. Ive been thinking about this for awhile. such a stupid thing. ORS when you didn't compete once. he's not even qualified for the trials and did nothing to attempt to qualify. if he (or anyone in this position) doesn't even wrestle, the ORS year shouldn't be granted. such a ruse.
  21. the things democrats will support in the name of inclusion is scary af. it's gross. and it's contrary to science. mass delusion and propagated by the 1% and ivy leagues. just bizarre.
  22. so what i'm reading is that all of Israel should take over Germany and Japan gets the US. who gets the Ottoman Empire? does Mexico get Spain?
  23. another one. great.
  24. lol. get lost, oh enlightened one. it's possible for people in their home country to do just fine.
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