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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. so 'gullible' was the correct answer. "innocent people are being slaughtered but we're keeping them locked in there because they'll never go back.' that's your theory? seems ultra logical and humanitarian.
  2. and you're full of shit or gullible. not one, zero nations including egypt who could take them in easily? it almost seems, gasp!, that they want their to be conflict and tension.
  3. Brown Ton and Andrews weren't pretty.
  4. what i still haven't gotten an answer on (a credible answer), is why egypt (or any country in the region) won't take in the palestinians. literally just open the gate. and no more unnecessary civilian casualties. what am i missing?
  5. i think part of it is that he lost to domestic contemporaries, not just savvy vets wrestling FS full time. no one expected him to lose to Nick Lee 3xs. another thing is, i think, he's been a superstar for so long people forget how young he is - 1 year removed from college (and already has a SR medal). he's revered. and those kinds of stars often have unreasonable expectations put upon them (spencer lee). anyone that thinks he's 'overhyped' probably have themselves to blame. no one is going unscathed at 65kg over a multi-year period.
  6. i certainly have sympathy for the innocent. i also know the underlying foundation/history and the reality of the situation.
  7. gimme a list, i'll vet.
  8. lmfao. you're whole narrative here is that the IDF is lying.
  9. hot take from Nard Dog
  10. Nard Dog sticking up for the real victims, Hamas and Hezzbollah. what a time to be alive. i should ban him just for being a piece of shit.
  11. they aren't just 'not for everyone' or 'impractical'; they're asinine and counterproductive in scale. outside of testing for the future iterations, there is no value. you're high or uniformed. the process of building a battery is exponentially more harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. and where is human exploitation from pumping oil? lol and then, when you finally get that battery, you charge it via FOSSIL FUELS, you nitwit. sheep
  12. lol. you were never not in my good graces. just calling the third biggest city in PA, that's 60 miles from the biggest city in PA 'middle of nowhere' was silly
  13. shit's about to get real. super excited to see @uncle bernard 's idiotic twist on this.
  14. he was considered a Stanford lean at one point but the word is that he's down to Iowa and OKST
  15. 1) i was talking about Sweden pivoting from renewables. Not the topic of this thread. 2) read this again, and if you still think EV's in their current incarnation, are sensible, i'll call you whatever i want with forced/cheap labor rape the earth of rare minerals the runoff of which contaminates groundwater and local environment to pay more money to charge it electrically with power that comes from fossil fueled plants on grids that can't support it: to stop man-made climate change which there is no data to support.
  16. utterly ridiculous. democrats would never rig an election. democrats have assured us they are rig-proof.
  17. lol. depends on how well you represent the brand
  18. well, actually i misspoke. idk what all of scandanavia is doing but Sweden is going nuclear.
  19. the team is doing great. thanks for signing up DE. the season is here!
  20. my car runs on Bud Heavy.
  21. all i know is, after the article came out one of their coaches reached out and said John Wiley was gonna be problems. McCrary won S32 at 138 back in 2020. Webster - my hunch is he's redshirting but i don't know that for sure.
  22. i guess i could have put Keuter in there with a 'no cassioppi' disclaimer but they now sound hopeful. who knows. i'll tell ya a couple kids i missed in the article Caden McCrary 133 UNC should be good if he can hold the weight John Wiley 149 OU - they listed him at 157 fo wrestle offs so i was unsure of his status.
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