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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. The Cuban boatlift. Resulted in some diversity that didn't make us better.
  2. Like I said, who's challenging it?
  3. Who is challenging Loving? That's just stupid.
  4. Roe was an example of judicial activism. Legal experts said all along that constitutionally it was unsubstantiated. The right to life is much more constitutional than the right to an abortion. Especially since one is actually in the construction and the other is not.
  5. Yes, it's reputable.
  6. I need more information. Hobbs rings a bell but not everything is firing today.
  7. Putting people on the court with an agenda to change the constitution from it historical application and plain text meaning would not make it legal. It would just be activism.
  8. You say that sarcastically but there is no doubt if Biden or Obama has the ability they would. They will continue incrementally as aggressively as they can until they meet that goal.
  9. I've see the hand written permit application. It is on file, and well documented. He also claimed to own the house.
  10. He is Sam Brinton, formerly with the depth of energy. Sam has a bit of a problem outside of what appears obvious. He likes to go to airports and steal luggage from women then wear their clothes in public.
  11. Do you not know who that is?
  12. Just another shinning example of Brandon's bad judgment.
  13. Oh yes, he really can pick em.
  14. The truth is Hunter claimed to rent the house for 50k/ mo. It's not complicated.
  15. How convenient, it was just an error.
  16. So you're OK with what the FBI did?
  17. The FBI making work. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kenbensinger/michigan-kidnapping-gretchen-whitmer-fbi-informant
  18. And make way for 10,000 smurfs. Democrats caught in major money laundering scam illegally funneling $200,000,000 to dem candidates. You probably already heard this from CNN and msdnc.
  19. Did they lock her up? Did she commit a serious crime? The answer is no and yes. She is a prime example of what is wrong.
  20. It's information from a permit application. He listed his address as being his parents house in Delaware and his rent as being 50k/ mo.
  21. This is the perfect example of show me the man and I'll find the crime. He was investigating with out a criminal complaint. If this isn't a shinning example of prosecutorial misconduct then your not paying attention.
  22. Find how many points a wrestler has scored in team points
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