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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. https://youtube.com/shorts/JlO7eIk-vcM?feature=share
  2. here is a video of their new prison. this is a proper deterrent.
  3. I can't even figure out what I just saw so I'll call it 5 blue.
  4. Drops from 6656 in 2015 to 495 in 2022. Due almost entirely to locking up criminals.
  5. After seeing the information given since this post, I think I'll stick with my current sources.
  6. To be truthful it's just something I've heard over and over. I can't deny or confirm any of it
  7. If Zahid perfectly executes he doesn't expose himself, so points against him are warranted. It was his move and he initiated. I'm my viewbthats the standard 4-2 we see all the time. If it was done at the edge of the mat then it's 4-0. You need to be careful punishing the aggressor or wrestlers will shut down. Award the aggressor, it's a fundamental principle.
  8. https://nypost.com/2023/02/27/esther-crawford-twitter-exec-who-slept-in-office-overnight-is-fired/ Another one bites the dust.
  9. Is there video of this Valencia match with the questionable call?
  10. We don't need US refs F'ing up international wrestling. We have 1 guy that belongs on the whistle outside of this country. They should try watching a little international wrestling first. US refs do harm to our international greco success by forcing guys to Wrestle an American style of greco that doesn't work against the rest of the world especially when called by refs who understand what they are seeing.
  11. In all fairness it isn't supposed to be used the way people are using it. Especially the drunk guy who hit the girl scouts.
  12. I'm guessing there's a level of power and evil keeping her quiet that no level of imagination could do justice to.
  13. No doubt but people still deserve the presumption of innocence. America deserves confidence that those who deserve to be investigated are.
  14. The stories of bill clinton and Jeffrey epstein go way back befor all this came to a head. There is one photo of Trump with Epstein But the history of the Clintons Way over shadows any incidental Involvement Trump may have had. Bill Gates is as much a suspect as anyone.
  15. I agree many had reason but disagree only Trump had the opportunity. I'm sure you don't believe that either.
  16. Not looking good for Jimmy. If I donated to that organization I'd be pissed.
  17. B.S. l really have no idea what is going on at Twitter but I'm sure he has a mess of shit to clean up. Twitter was never profitable so it isn't like he turned a cash cow into a turd. He purchased a turd and instead of trying to polish that turd he is remaking it.
  18. Tell me you're not that stupid. You actually think someone has an all inclusive list of sex offenders with their political affiliations?
  19. Yes I reciprocate. I wouldn't know who to boycott if they didn't make their position known to me.
  20. I wouldn't even waste a second on a ridiculous article like that. I'm sure I could go tit for tat on who's worse but I'm not interested in playing that game.
  21. Yes liberals won't be happy unless their opposition is silenced. I guarantee they are doing themselves more harm than good. No matter how much they advertise I will never use their products. I had PepsiCo as a customer for years. I won't deal with them anymore. I keep getting emails looking for bids but just delete them. Like most businesses we are limited in our ability to supply our services so I now use a value system in allotment of it. The only time I do businesses with people I despise is when they are so desperate I can add a pain in the ass premium. I canceled Hulu and am in the process of dumping AT&T. If a company wants to alienate 50% of the market then more power to them. I'm also in the process of eliminating investments in liberal companies that want to hate on 50% of the money out there.
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