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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. I would like that myself. I would just modify the rules to not allow leg grabbing.
  2. Just another Russian collusion misdirect. I'm sure this is timed to take our attention off of something else, like taking bribes from China then laundering the money through a family account.
  3. Crab ride, spiral ride, leg ride, cross body ride. The names say it all. Riding is not turning.
  4. Everyone wants a better coach, but there's no guarantee you will get one.
  5. Those who have had prolonged college careers don't seem to be able to hold onto the passion.
  6. Another year at Iowa and he'll be in a wheelchair.
  7. I'm sure that's the case because he's on my fantasy team.
  8. Just another glaring example of the fraud and corruption that is acceptable if you have a D in your party affiliation. I'd become a Democrat myself but I'd hate for all my friends to start killing themselves. That s happens a lot to D's.
  9. It's about time the world begins seeing the diversity value that a Meth Head has to offer.
  10. The real reason for j f k's assassination.
  11. From China to Biden. Nothing to see here.
  12. No sarcasm, their search engine won't even take you to a channel you know exists
  13. He's a result of the great and all knowing Google. We discussed Charlie Kirk so Google laid this gem on me.
  14. I have to agree, Rumble's search feature is absolutely garbage. I rarely use rumble just because of that reason.
  15. You can't provoke if your position is void of logic and truth.
  16. Alexander was imprisoned for making a sarcastic comment on the militaries lack of preparation and competence in a personal letter to a friend. He studied math, philosophy history and literature. He was well educated there was made a commander and received recognition for heroism on multiple occasions. He was sentenced to 8 years in a labor camp for criticism of Stalin. He wrote A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, and The Gulag Archipelago and other books. Today in Russia his 2000 page Gulag Archipelago is required reading.
  17. After hearing the news on Facebook, it think the title of this thread is proper
  18. And can't withstand debate Try to silence your opposition.
  19. I would never belong to a church that accepts gay marriage, but I would never support a government that outlaws it.
  20. Watch as we go forward the government force foolishness onto the people such as a dude with a dick hanging between his legs is a female then attack people who open oppose such an opinion. People whose religion views such behavior as wrong will be persecuted due to their affiliation with their religion.
  21. Religious hierarchy hasn't always gotten it right. No doubt the human effect on religion had led to much misery. However the peaceful practice of religion has also ended in the slaughter of many by those who oppose them. The same ideology that openly lives the lies of the state, blindly turns its eyes on the violence and oppression against those practicing their religion.
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