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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Just when I think your posts can't get any worse, you lay this doozy down...wow
  2. Huh...what was a lot?? And getting into your personal life...LOL...what did I say that you haven't bragged about multiple times on here?? Are YOU okay?
  3. Phew...bet you feel better getting that off your chest...for the 50th time on here
  4. LOL...keep smoking there Rasta...I could say stuff to you all day long but you never actually make a point on any of the topics at hand...and you think it isn't working out well for me when I did the EXACT same thing you did multiple times to others, but somehow when I did it you "owned me"...so using your hazy marijuana induced logic, the people you did it to, can they claim "When you've finally learned it's best not to say anything to me as it never works out well for you " about you???
  5. Good question...but it happens on both sides unfortunately...but I haven't seen it this bad in a long time...clearly the D's have not learned anything in terms of why they lost the elections so bad...they are their own worst enemies.
  6. Blah blah blah...I hate Trump...blah blah blah...anything he does is bad...blah blah blah....
  7. How does one rationalize away celebrating a 13-year-old with cancer being something other than celebrating them being alive?? How does that become partisan?? How is it theatrics when it was the celebration of a 13-year-old that wasn't supposed to live as long as he did and wants to be a cop? Are we to now expect NONE of our politicians or President's to celebrate their citizens because it's "theatrics"?? Have some of you lost your freaking minds?? How you let partisan politics overshadow being a decent freaking human being is definitely a derangement syndrome...get help!
  8. Where did he say he wasn't going to go after illegal protests done by "republicans"??
  9. Thanks for once again providing nothing to the conversation
  10. Yes, but I guess I don't see the leap to a statement like "laying the groundwork to blame all future economic issues on Biden"
  11. How is this laying the groundwork to blame all future economic issues on Biden?? What if the numbers were inflated/deflated? Should that not be uncovered?
  12. Is taking over buildings and/or blocking people's movement on campus "free speech"??
  13. LOL...we get it...this is your schtick...you hate everything Trump...you don't engage in any civil debates or back and forth...you don't answer anyone's questions when asked about the emotional nonfactual statements you make on here so you literally provide no value...please either engage or stop. By the way...how are the tunnels under the Gaza strip??
  14. Agreed. And I would definitely not be getting my vaccine advice from rfk or any other politician.
  15. What are the tunnels like @red viking??
  16. Can someone believe in freedom of choice as well as be critical of past vaccines at the same time as encouraging people to take the measles vaccine given a recent outbreak??? Or is it all or none...you either support every single vaccine ever, or you don't believe in any vaccine??
  17. My guess in terms of what I have read and heard about Trump I'd say 90% of what he copied from someone else is a twisting of facts and situations along with a lot of mental gymnastics turned into innuendo's and pawned off as 100% factual. Second, why do you assume it makes me uncomfortable?? Because I called him out on pretending to have all this in-depth knowledge and individualized thoughts and opinions on Trump?? I get it, he hates Trump...just as you do...why do we need 50 different threads of people with TDS (including you!) saying the same things over and over. Not to mention Trump could cure cancer and you guys would play the mental gymnastics in your head to turn it into a bad thing. Why not just say I hate Trump and everything he does, instead of playing this intellectually weak game of twisting everything he has done, is doing, and is going to do into the worst possible thing to ever happen...and then GASP at the very thought of how someone could ever support him...my response to that...get over freaking yourselves. LOL Finally...show me the hypocrisy, please!!!!! LOL I also find it funny you only seem to comment on HOW people are posting versus sharing any of your own thoughts on the actual topic??
  18. What makes this so hilarious is that Trip didn't even write all that...he stole it from someone else off of social media and posted it as his own thoughts and research...buffoonery at its best
  19. What was that whataboutism again???
  20. LOL...who is talking about private companies or Elon??
  21. And crickets from you yahoos when it was done 100's of times by people from the other side of the isle....
  22. Man...B1G is SO tough...I know everyone knows it but it is so glaring when looking at the Big12 and ACC conference seeds and wrestlers compared to the B1G"s.
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