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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Clearly you haven't used any when reading what I wrote...all you did is see my post had something to do with Trump and I wasn't bashing him nonsensically like you do so you tried to make it about bashing Trump and accuse me of not using critical thinking. Again, nice try Rasta. I get it...you hate Trump...and can't stand people that stick up for him (which I am not, nor have I), or bash his political opponents. I'll try and spell it out since you clearly aren't able to figure things out on your own...my post was about not trusting the media and the way they write their headlines and their stories. They pick a side, or conclusion before the facts come out. They infuse biased and only one side of the story in their reporting. I posted the article as proof. Got it?? Next time I'll use a article that isn't about Trump, or your crush Kamala so as you won't get your panties all in a bunch.
  2. An exert from her interview being aired tonight...yikes "I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act,"
  3. Huh...never heard of it...guess I am not a literary guy either...I was and am a science guy
  4. Here is another example of people needing to think critically about what the media is telling you. US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery | CNN Politics It is crazy how this got turned into a Political incident because Trumps team was taking pictures that the Gold Star family asked for. My guess is the cemetery employee who claims was "pushed aside" hates Trump and turned this into a bigger deal than it needed to be. Will be interesting to see if the video comes about what really happened.
  5. I get a kick out of posts like this...you literally didn't say anything in your post and provided zero substance. You just posted emotional statements. You say sweeping generalizations and don't actual say what anything is while making those comments...ex. "you'll see things happen a lot faster and for the better"...you have failed to mention what is going to happen faster and what will be better...so what needs to happen and what will be better?? And this doozy of a sentence "They challenge conceptions that have outgrown their usefulness and lead to change and others just rage at the dying of the light"....ummm What the???
  6. What cracks me up more than anything is you took the time to write all of that!
  7. If I was going off of history and statistics there is a good chance he won't be attending a university and be on a team long enough to win a NCCA title.
  8. Someone's an angry rassling fan I'd be p'd off too if I was getting all the ads
  9. I just don't understand why some on here always feel like others are "mad", "angry", "afraid"...again, did I miss the memo that said when you are losing a debate you need to accuse others of those things and somehow that makes you feel like you are "winning" and/or that you are somehow a "better" person???
  10. Just not sure what point you are trying to make...is it laughable that people are saying Trump is scared? Or is it because laughable people are saying Harris is scared?? Not sure your one sentence posts are very clear is all. I was hoping you would eventually add more context to your posts, but you never did. And I guess I didn't ask for clarity either as it really didn't make that big of a difference to me...other people just put more into their posts so it wasn't as confusing. People dislike Harris and express it here. People dislike Trump and express it here. Welcome to the election season.
  11. I have a feeling a lot of the lefties on here are taking a page out of Kamala's playbook and staying in hiding and not answering questions from anyone. Or they come on here, make word salad in a post and then run.
  12. Super weird...never had them...knock on wood I don't get them by the sounds of it
  13. AHHH...the boards token victim...the women in my life feel the same way and laughed at the meme.
  14. Wow...CNN even admitted Harris does terrible during live interviews and that is why she hasn't done any since being announced as Biden's replacement. The debates should be interesting coming up here...or sad...for many reasons
  15. You are a true whakadoodle! What are you even talking about?? I think you just type words to type words and just project what you truly feel about yourself onto others. To prove how crazy you are...name or provide one instance where I did not provide examples/facts/data for my stance on something...just one!
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