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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. That call was as fake as a $3 bill and if you think they’re not plotting for when kalema’s campaign sinks , mark my words.
  2. Sure he didn’t get shot with a ploy gun?
  3. Yes, Dean Phillips entered out of frustration that no one else would act on what was painfully obvious to the majority of the country. He tried to convince others to challenge, to no avail.
  4. What does this say about dim voters?
  5. You don’t think that would have resulted in a Kamela candidacy?
  6. This one’s for you: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/07/today-in-science.php
  7. Even better. Shooting a piece of glass from somewhere, the monitors show no damage, that cuts the President’s ear and then disappears. Trick shot extraordinaire.
  8. Kamela polls best when the media talks her up, when she starts campaigning in person, as one fellow put it, she’s like a black hiliary, appalling and repelling. And she hasn’t been approved by the Supreme Leader yet.
  9. Well done grandpa, well done.
  10. They’ve been polling vs Kalema for a long time.
  11. That Bob’s a silver tongued devil.
  12. Kamela wasn’t ever considered biden’s replacement. She was his insurance against being impeached.
  13. Elementary, as in “elementary, my dear Watson.” As in the ability to recognize and assemble clues to re-construct events one didn’t eye witness.
  14. It’s really quite elementary.
  15. I have a hard time believing she’ll carry much of this current popularity into the convention.
  16. Maybe she’s cherokee. 1/1024th.
  17. Politicians get serious when it comes to political assassination.
  18. You can’t trust any gov’t data collection anymore due to agency manipulation and politicization.
  19. The Super Delegates in the dim party amount to about 38% of the required number to win. The unbound delegates in the Republican Party amount to about 12% of the total needed.
  20. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, she’s not the nominee yet. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/23/new-york-times-kamala-harris-is-the-least-electable-democrat/
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