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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. Some have asked which is worse, the disease or the cure. Not to derail the thread, but based on earlier remarks, would you reveal one or two of the most egregious things Trump has done, in your opinion.
  2. I too have a close family member in the service and I understand your sentiments precisely.
  3. This has a transcript of what Trump actually said: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jul/11/joe-biden/no-trump-didnt-tell-americans-infected-coronavirus/ The truth is, both processes are the basis of chemotherapy and radiation treatment used for cancer. You cannot trust the media.
  4. I understand the following she gets from the abortion anytime folks, but I cannot fathom the intellect that would prefer her in any foreign policy or economic situation.
  5. It’s one of those things that you know when you see it, use if you have it, and explain if you have to.
  6. Desantis didn’t have the instinct to not challenge Trump, which questions his perspicacity.
  7. I doubt that my take will change many minds, but a few pollsters have said that it is very difficult to get polls on Trump right. He outperformed his polling in both elections. I simply don’t believe the majority of voters are any more fooled by the magic transformation of Kamela the dunce to Kamela the wonderful than I am It’s as though they’ve adopted the James Carville strategy of “It’s the economy, stupid.” to “Don’t say anything, stupid.” My only concern is that if they continue to Election Day with her it means they are confident in their cheating programs.
  8. Trump draws more voters that will only vote for him. If you put Desantis or Haley in you’ll get the McCain/Romney results.
  9. I think you miscalculate what the vote would be if Trump were removed from the ballot for anything short of medical disability.
  10. They manipulated the 2016 and 2020 primaries as well.
  11. I don’t think there’re any rules.
  12. They haven’t had their convention yet. It only took 2 or 3 days to change from Biden to Kamela.
  13. There’s also better or more full context information available on X than the MSM tends to provide, but it does require critical thinking skills to evaluate.
  14. Brought to us by the same folks who thought it their constitutional duty to remove Trump from the ballot.
  15. Yeah, I was at Camp Greaves and GP Ouellette, and Vance saw a lot more than I did. Vance didn’t get any special favor or cronyism, he had to have scored very highly on the aptitude test to qualify for the MOS.
  16. Seems like something happens after every one of those.
  17. So Walz is calling the National Guard “19 year olds that are cooks.” While the dimocrat ticket is puerile kooks.
  18. No, you’re on target. Any peace-time warrior who denigrates a Marine combat correspondent (they carry rifles) who served in combat deserves doubt. They also make the kind of NCOs that discourage the retention of the good guys. He is correct in that the personnel run the gamut of morality, though in my experience there were only a few bad ones. The Army being so large, they variably offer lower commitment enlistments and higher bonuses. I was told all enlistments are for six years, but can consist of two years active, two years active reserve, and two years inactive reserve, or; three years active and three years inactive reserve, or; four years active and two years inactive reserve.
  19. That’s like intentionally cutting out the ‘expert’ middleman. Hmmm.
  20. He was in the Nebraska NG before he moved and transferred to Minnesota, but I haven’t seen which unit he was originally in.
  21. I haven’t found anything on what Walz’ MOS (military occupational specialty) was. I know the National Guard is different from the Army, but with his rank being Master Sergeant instead of First Sergeant,, it’s very possible that he wasn’t trained combat arms. His main career was as a teacher, so it’s unlikely his MOS was mechanic or computer repair or engineer (heavy equipment operator), so maybe a clerk or supply or something. Funny, he was born at West Point. West Point, Nebraska.
  22. I don’t hear anybody criticizing Walz’ military record, apart from going backchannel to get his retirement in under the wire. It’s his embellishment, his lies, that are of concern.
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