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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. He said he lives close to George Floyd Square. They use snowplows around there.
  2. He’s still working on his theory of how Trump tricked the guy to shoot him in the ear.
  3. It’s pretty flat where he lives in Minneapolis.
  4. Decisions, decisions.
  5. Domes? They should just enlist the indigenous martians to build pyramids.
  6. Interesting description. Definitely recognizable, familiar.
  7. The Special Counsel appointment hasn’t been brought before the Supreme Court so the arguments for and against it haven’t been decided. When district and appeals courts have different opinions on laws they usually get decided at the Supreme Court. Judge Cannon decided that two problems were at issue with Smith’s appointment. First, he had never been confirmed as a Principal Officer, as all the other Special Counsels had, and second; Congress had not appropriated the money to pay for his office. Judge Cannon has significant support for her decision, from law professors, to two former U.S. Attorneys General, to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Thomas wrote in the Immunities decision that before the court worried that the President had immunity, it needed to verify Smith’s authority. She did, and now it’s up to Smith to prove he’s authorized to bring the case. To better understand this case you may want to familiarize yourself with the Constitution and the definition of Principal and Inferior Officers. And the Appropriations Clause.
  8. Cheatle is gaslighting. Compare the roof the shooter was on to the one the counter-snipers are on. The counter-snipers are on a steeper roof.
  9. Women should have the right to choose whether they get pregnant or not.
  10. I don’t think they can with a straight face.
  11. It is the equivalent of “no standing” only against the prosecutor.
  12. As Bongino said, if you don’t have the security established, you don’t let the protectee step out into danger.
  13. What is non-existent is Constitutionally mandated Congressional authorization to appoint a special counsel sans Senate Advice and Consent.
  14. For any readers who may have heard one of the stupidest conspiracy theories ever advanced I offer the video below. At about the .30 second mark you can see the look of alarm expressed by the lady sitting behind and to the right of DJT, to the left as viewed. She is a brunette, wearing what looks like a camo hat and black top, holding a sign that reads “Joe Biden You’re Fired. As stated, you can see the look of alarm on her face as she ducks down - BEFORE DJT moves his hand to the side of his head. Maybe she sees a big bug ripping flesh from his ear, or blood flying from it, or something. But it’s visible, on NBC video.
  15. This is the chart that was on the screen Trump was looking at when he was shot.
  16. They don’t call you ‘easy money’ for nothing.
  17. I still believe there should be a basic intelligence test to qualify for voting.
  18. Can you see Trump hiring the guy to "shoot me in the ear and then shoot a couple more folks and we'll keep you safe?"
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