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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. I see a couple of roadblocks: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
  2. Pointing out fraud and phony is not obsessing.
  3. You mean like another conspiracy theory come true? Another update on the fact checkers website?
  4. Report: “The report illustrates the complex web of LLCs that the Bidens and their associates used to conceal the flow of payments from foreign agents to Biden family accounts, a pattern reminiscent of classic money-laundering schemes. The influence peddling worked domestically, too, with family members leveraging Joe Biden’s positions of public trust to obtain over $8 million in “loans” from Democratic benefactors, most of it not paid back and much of it not actually supported by loan documentation. Obviously, this wide-ranging scheme should have been the subject of an aggressive law-enforcement investigation. Instead, the Biden-Harris Justice Department straitjacketed investigators who tried to pursue leads, forbade the questioning of witnesses about the president’s connections to the family business, and tipped off defense counsel to the agents’ pursuit of incriminating evidence. Biden-Harris DOJ prosecutors tried to spin the case as solely focused on Hunter, whose tax problems were notorious. Dragging their feet year after year, DOJ first tried to disappear the case with no charges. When IRS whistleblower investigations exposed that stratagem, Biden-Harris prosecutors tried to make the tax and firearms charges go away through a sweetheart plea. The president’s son was finally indicted only after that gambit imploded when a federal judge questioned its terms. But by then, it was mission accomplished — DOJ had waited so long to file charges that any crimes arising out of Joe Biden’s term as vice president were time-barred under the statute of limitations. House Republicans never had the numbers to seek impeachment articles against Biden — they barely got the impeachment inquiry approved. A serious impeachment investigation would, of course, have started with Biden’s dereliction of duty on the southern border and his usurpations of congressional power, which the Supreme Court has routinely slapped down. But the Biden influence-peddling scheme easily qualifies as impeachable conduct. Obviously, none of this featured during the first night of the convention, but it is an essential part of any record of the Biden-Harris administration. https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/08/the-biden-family-scandal/
  5. Cutting spending doesn’t increase the deficit.
  6. Yours may, and the extent of your ignorance.
  7. One man’s pressure is another man’s extortion. And pointing out hypocrisy is not hypocritical.
  8. The covid ‘vaccine’ didn’t stop you from getting covid, it didn’t prevent transmitting covid, there’s no evidence that it alleviated any symptoms, but it did increase your risk of getting it again.
  9. It was mandated by companies because it was mandated by the government. Then, if you declined, you were denied unemployment. It had no relevance to the job, was not a precondition to being hired, and as we now know, had only the potential to harm.
  10. Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735
  11. All the victims of the DoJ and all the other three letter agencies as they run roughshod over the citizens for their political activities, through censorship, condemnation, and financial ruin for good doctors who revealed the truth of covid.
  12. But suppose we did it. Suppose we spent countless trillions, destroyed our electric grid and reduced our standard of living to a pre-industrial level. How much would an American “net zero” affect global temperatures? This paper by three of the world’s leading scientists, Richard Lindzen, William Happer and W. A. van Wijngaarden, of MIT, Princeton and York University respectively, undertakes a mathematical calculation to answer that question:
  13. Veep Thoughts Did she mean to say ‘communityism?’
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