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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. I misspoke above, Vance was a Marine combat correspondent.
  2. What did you do? It’s obvious you don’t know what a Marine correspondent does.
  3. O’Bama responded to Trump saying he would increase the GDP and improve the economy, saying “What’s he gonna do, wave his magic wand?” Then Trump did it, with a less than cooperative congress. Tell me you’re not a communist without telling me you’re a communist.
  4. The last thirty seconds are pure gold. Story at: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2024/08/09/tenacious-citizens-force-election-integrity-investigation-in-georgia
  5. Revisionist history. Prior to covid hitting, blue collar wage increases were outpacing white collar increases. Trump turned over a fast recovering economy that Biden then proceeded to shut down. If tariffs on China were bad for Americans, is that why Biden has kept them in place?
  6. He praised the National Guard for how they stopped the mayhem, he congratulated Walz for finally calling them in. He didn’t commend Walz for delaying calling them in for several days, allowing the rioters to burn the city.
  7. Nothing. He is waving his genetically modified federally controlled data thinking you’ll believe it rather than your own eyes. I guess he thinks that credit card balances going sky high and savings accounts dwindling means all is well. Anybody who thinks Kamela Harris, who has never won a single delegate in an election, is the person best qualified to run our government, should not be left unsupervised.
  8. Only chumbolones believe that trash. There are too many instances of him showing his affection for the military to believe that. If you want to recognize the kind of guy that has those feelings, he’ll be the guy who says he’s with you while he’s secretly going through back channels to avoid going, he’ll be the guy that claims he was a higher rank than he was, he’ll be the guy that wears the crest of an elite unit that he was never part of, he’ll be the guy who ran like a coward but claims he went to war. That’s the kind of guy who’ll think combat soldiers are suckers and losers, because of everything that’s in it for him.
  9. For those who are interested in what JD Vance’s duty was in Iraq. To be chosen for this role he had to score very high on the aptitude test. “But Cullen Tiernan, who served alongside JD Vance in Iraq as a fellow combat correspondent, told The Independent the role was not without danger. “When we first landed, we got mortar and rockets from Baghdadi, the neighboring town. That was definitely a shock,” he said. “It’s odd to me that people would try to negate or put down what combat correspondents do. When you’re walking in patrol, or when you’re flying in a helicopter that goes into the sandstorm, or when you come upon an IED, and see people who have been blown up, you’re having the same exact experience. You just also have a camera and an obligation to document it.”” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-iraq-military-stolen-valor-b2594155.html
  10. This is the point. It doesn’t matter what the football players think of him, they can be wrong, but it’s easily proven that he lied on many occasions about important matters. His accomplishments as governor are just as nefarious. The real problem is the top of the ticket.
  11. You’re being dishonest defending a dishonest man and you’re not going to get any rest because there’s a lot of twisted history with this guy.
  12. GARM, the so-called 'advertising cartel' sued by Elon Musk's X and Rumble, is shutting down The World Federation of Advertisers on Thursday reportedly informed members it would be 'discontinuing' GARM https://qz.com/elon-musk-lawsuit-ad-group-garm-suspend-rumble-1851617006
  13. Do they tend to favor a particular party?
  14. It’s not that the left can’t, it’s that they won’t. Foul tip. If Marxism is an ideology what is a Marxist? Socialism, communism, fascism are just varying degrees or adaptations of the same thing, and that thing is so unsuitable to human instinct that it requires a totalitarian to enforce it, until it fails. You didn’t provide any big difference that anyone should be concerned about.
  15. Analysis: X Corp (and Rumble) Sue GARM in Antitrust Suit https://www.uncoverdc.com/2024/08/07/analysis-x-corp-and-rumble-sue-garm-in-antitrust-suit
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