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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Maybe b/c they care so deeply, that they feel betrayed if someone moves on?
  2. Hope the swine over at Mineo's board read this and feel a little regret about how they talked about Gabe after the Salute; maybe they even have a higher opinion on the twins? Likely not. Pond scum and his ilk are likely laughing about this, like Jimmy is.
  3. Time for someone to remove Jimmy after this clown post.
  4. Hilarious. A private school with no say over who represents them.
  5. SHU has one of the biggest rosters in the country. My understanding is that the school loves the program bc those kids are paying a lot of of money to say they wrestle at a D1 school.
  6. I think schools are shy about potential litigation involving stuff like graduation walks these days. Prom not so much.
  7. Especially if they (maybe) said something mean earlier! Again, as I said before, the bee line that the person alleged to be Knox takes to allegedly pound on that kid (who is barely in the same zip code as Dad Knox), shows some degree of premeditation.
  8. Exactly! The genius pond scum should have put "batting 1.000;" but in reality, is probably closer to batting .100.
  9. I had a student/athlete have his admission revoked to an ACC school because he was caught drinking before prom.
  10. I believe he did, but was called out on it. Recently, this clown claimed he was batting .1000 as far as breaking stories goes. It wasn't quite the dunk he thought it was. (baseball enthusiasts will understand)
  11. Great athlete, but has some perspectives that seem a bit odd.
  12. Remember the Kem shoulder situation: "out for the year"? Then later claimed that his tweet lit a fire under Kem and was the motivation for him deciding to wrestle that season.
  13. Same guy who pilloried Flo for releasing the Blaze commitment by accident, only to preemptively release Crooham medical info about a year after the Wittlake medical info he released? Not to mention the private texts he has posted from time to time...
  14. So 20 for his freshman campaign and turning 21 at the end of the school year, assuming everything continues as planned.
  15. So this was bothering me. I just went back to an old thread to find my own synopsis of the Basch interview from when it was released. I did not have it in my synopsis at the time. This doesn't mean that nothing was said (ever), but I am not 100% sure it was said on the podcast.
  16. I tried to listen to it a second time last night. Impossible. If I remember correctly, he may have said something to the effect that some people at NLWC did Bo dirty? He was certainly talking about some members of the NLWC staff plotting against him personally. I assume he means Kennedy, which I get. I'm sorry if I got any of this wrong. Last time I listened to it was almost a year ago while I was on a long run.
  17. And not a greyshirt, but Shapiro was up training with the RTC his senior year of high school, correct? Just another creative way of doing things.
  18. Cornell does it with a ton of guys including Nashon, Dean, Vito (I think). They can't redshirt in Ivy. Helps him get ready for college competition. Can help alleviate potential logjams in lineup. I don't think the posted chart is accurate. It is more than a semester; it is a whole year. Traditionally they have taken community college classes.
  19. I believe Bo Bassett said he became more devout when he saw all the champs who praised Jesus. Although he was already somewhat religious, he leveled up because he thought it might be a missing piece in his arsenal.
  20. I did not watch the court proceedings, but some did. My understanding is that there was talk of some video being official and perhaps others not being admissible. I suppose it is possible that they didn't look at the video of him making a bee line to the "minor" for the alleged assault.
  21. I don't think there is an Ivy League policy of assault charges. Cornell, maybe. I think he is planning to "greyshirt," so that could factor in. (I have personally seen students have their admissions to less competitive institutions revoked for lesser things. I now Mike Grey has spoke, but he is not in admissions and that was before charges were filed. The kid may end up fine or they could say "admission based on good behavior over gap year" or any number of things.)
  22. DT pinned his way through? Which year was that? He used gut wrenches and leg laces as pinning holds? Impressive!
  23. I mean Saduleev wore a shirt that basically protested Russian control over Dagestan, and he's still alive. Got him a short suspension from UWW though.
  24. There was a cop five feet away from whatever we decide to call what Anthony was doing. They took young Mr. Knox out in cuffs.
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