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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Demertas beard game is strong.
  2. Guy was on the mat for all of 90 seconds like an hour ago. Clear disadvantage for Zahid. Ouch.
  3. I think this quickly? I think The Azeri wins. That is unfortunate for Zahid to have to turn around a barn burner so quickly.
  4. Are there any required time breaks? Like 30 minutes between matches or anything?
  5. Zahid is up in two matches on Mat B again. HFS
  6. Dake doesn't have Kadi to get through... so...
  7. I am pretty stoked to potentially see an 86 KG OTT that has two guys with byes to the finals (Chance has said he's going 86 KG). I was wanting to see that this last go and didn't get it.
  8. Sidakov keeps separating himself a little more with each match.
  9. That was no tank. Azirpara just went to E faster. He had to change up his game plan early this time... the ref wasn't letting him keep his hands up and in Zahid's face/way. That takes a lot out of you.
  10. You throw 600 darts at a board and one is bound to hit it right where you want it eventually.
  11. @Spladle08 By three, eh? Good one there (finally).
  12. Can't get his head out. No points.
  13. Zahid in on legs again...back door?
  14. 75 seconds to go.
  15. Zahid another TD and turn!
  16. This ref likes Zahid. Giving him a lunger.
  17. YES! TD and turn. 9-8 Iran with two minutes to go. Zahid needs to not fade here.
  18. It was a lunger.
  19. Lost challenge, Valencia is down 9-4.
  20. Sidakov has been in absolute wars in every match so far.
  21. He is about to be down 9-4.
  22. He is channeling his inner-IMar.
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