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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Now 5-0 with about 45 seconds left in the first.
  2. Zain TD. Up 2-0.
  3. Arujau next on Mat B.
  4. Mat B has the walkouts streaming.
  5. It appears they at doing 70 -> 61 -> 125 -> 86 and running in parallel.
  6. Greece and injured. Also he just lost to Amine a few months ago. You want him back at AIN?
  7. Get her something pumpkin spice while you are there (I am sure they have some sort of produce stand or something...)... buy yourself some more time... perhaps Monday.
  8. I think they might just be waiting for some of the mats to catch up? They shouldn't be waiting until QF are over.
  9. Additionally... did I mention the app is absophukingtrash?
  10. FloArena off browser. The app is worthless.
  11. Parris beat Deng this year already 5-0, fwiw.
  12. Parris up in two on Mat D against Deng.
  13. Shit... I think he beat Cox in the semifinals the year he won Silver. How is that fake?
  14. And yet he still won a Worlds Silver. I never won a Worlds Silver. I thought I could - couldn't. EDIT: He also won Bronze last year, fwiw.
  15. DT with a 10-0 tech in like 30 seconds.
  16. Retherford next on Mat A.
  17. I don't think either looked any different than they have the last two or three seasons.
  18. He embarrassed Zahid 10-0 earlier this year, I believe.
  19. Makoev is a former worlds silver is he not? How many other worlds silvers are in the field at 86 KG?
  20. One to watch at 86 KG is Ishiguro of Japan. I believe he will make the semi-finals against Yazdani. Amine will have to wrestle a fresh version of him for Bronze (I think).
  21. Yazdani is on Mat C now.
  22. Taylor next on Mat D.
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