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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. His losses this year have overshadowed his victories while on greyshirt last year. He has no signature win this year, either.
  2. Before folks ask: Jayden's lone loss was a 10-7 match to Forrest in OT. Other than a 1-0 victory over Sem's Botello, he had two Techfalls and 41 6 pointers (fft/Pinfall). Jordyn had 12 pinfalls.
  3. Me. Right? The answer is me?
  4. Gilcher is in at 174 for Indiana, not RR.
  5. No, he is saying the fact that 3/16 coaches didn't include him make it safe to assume others were not included as well. Gilcher at 174lbs seems to be an oversight as well, right? They (Indiana) also had uncertainty at 174lbs.
  6. I think we have @steamboat_charlie communicate to a few of us how he wants us to draft for him. He could give us a Top 15 (for him) in each weight or something?
  7. I doubt a single coach actually has him ranked fifth. He was likely ranked first in 12 (or 13) polls and not ranked in the other 2 (or 3). I believe they throw high and low out, so that would mean he was ranked first in 13 and not ranked in three. 13-1=12. 12*33 = 396, which is the total amount of votes that he obtained.
  8. Tuesday 8:00 or 9:00 both work. With how we did last year I don't think 9:00 PM is too late.
  9. When do you leave/get back? We can't have someone not get the chance to repeat...
  10. It really isn't a double. It's a formula that a computer program does.
  11. @Husker_Du When will your B1G and B12 seeds be updated on Rokfin?
  12. I could have just not said anything and correctly assumed you gents didn't read the rest of the thread... i.e. been a complete twat about it, but I chose not to be a dick about it. Win some. Lose some.
  13. Good god. Gents, I am sorry my sarcasm is difficult to read, since it is in text Also, sorry Turk. I was being snarky because 3 pages of this thread were because folks wanted Ferrari to be called for stalling, despite scoring the only offensive points and taking the only shots of the match... regardless of the preference of being on one's knees...
  14. I was being a smartass with my 'doesn't score' nonsense. My apologies as well for my part in the confusion.
  15. That big wooshing sound you hear above your head is the point flying right over your head. Meaning I agree with you, FFS.
  16. Not sold that he is better than Kennedy or Brands at 174lbs right now. His dad made a big deal on HR about how Arnold bulked up for 184lbs this year.
  17. Kennedy has another year?
  18. Not to go Cinny here, but the Brands have a chance to actually out their best lineup on the mat and it doesn't include Brands or Arnold.
  19. Ferrari doesn't shoot, though. He just hangs out on his knees and doesn't do jack-diddly.
  20. Ferrari is much more active from his knees against Plott than he was Starocci. That doesn't look like stalling to me (if being consistent, since his brother won a title as a true frosh that way as well). That said, in a different style anywhere else but the USA it is immediately called.
  21. It's in CHA, yeah? It is consistent.
  22. Gilcher used his shirt last season. He did wrestle 65 KG this last offseason. Were Lemley to RS, Gilcher could potentially head there. Doubt it, though. I was (not-so-quietly) hoping we might see (big) Gilcher come in grad-transfer 2nd semester when the word was still out that Mantanona might be using a medical for the season.
  23. I got to see this in-person. He still looks 150lbs... it's so damn impressive. That said, not sure either of them could fill out to 174lbs for next season. I think they intended to have Catrabone at 157lbs next season, so... does Catrabone drop and Gilcher sit? Does Gilcher transfer over to Indiana for one last ride with his brother (or both transfer somewhere else together?)?
  24. I know he is. Surber's old man strength is the only advantage any OSU 197lber has over Buchanan, and it needs to be utilized. I know he is and he will contend for AA honors the next four years (sans injuries). That said, I don't see a path for Merrill to upset Buchanan. Good. I have enjoyed this first year under DT.
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