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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. comes down to who has the best team. so both are still relevant. who can develop their non champs, AA's the best. btw, its the same in every sport
  2. i think we lost a point in the wilson amine match
  3. JB doesn't win one at Iowa
  4. by the way...what dual prediction did i make i am not jajensen I agree, his head is in the clouds. but his statement that manning has kept up with the times isn't really wrong.
  5. you never mention the lack of champs BEFORE burroughs... manning didn't inherit the gable dynasty the conversation is... IOWA has competed well i agree, but have they KEPT UP WITH THE TIMES other than lee, is there another iowa champ since 2010? maybe ramos? since 2005? metcalf ? perry? now again, this is using your metric....success im saying using better wrestling technique... keeping up with the times
  6. but he was the 52nd ranked recruit at the time... and 7th among 135 pounders i believe manning was THE ONLY DI offer
  7. i dind't expect bubba to win...but how does amine not get a stall call before 8 seconds left in the 3rd oT RAN the entire 3rd OT and all the time on feet in 2nd OT not to mention backing continuously in regulation
  8. it's not ridiculous... look at how iowa wrestled 20 years ago. now today looks the same for the guys of their caliber. they just dont have the hammers anymore except for Lee warner, brands murin all wrestle like the average guys of previous years nothing has changed. not saying they are bad... but have they kept up?
  9. again, paper means nothing thats why they wrestle my evidence: compare where you thought NU would be in November to where they are now. not saying NU didn't get dominated in the dual
  10. manning didn't inherit the wrestling tradition at Iowa
  11. i mean, im realistic i see NU going o for today... and I dont see a top 5 finish at ncaa but spare me the iowa is the best i mean, murin for god sake
  12. desanto got better? marinelli got better? m star? brands?
  13. i remember discussions about the penn 5 at iowa too... how did that all work out...
  14. personally, someone calling out manning here is wrong just look at where the team is now compared to november i know if ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc... but if lovett was wrestling and pinto doesn't fall asleep against romero we are looking at 7 in the finals and perhaps a chance at second...
  15. in the history of homers on this board, its finally not someone from Iowa or New Jersey
  16. question for people who know foreign rosters: interested in knowing how many russians were on other teams before the boycott and how many were on other teams after the boycott ukr had several dudes in medals armenia, georgia, kzg, kaz etc... im not spelling all the stans so yeah
  17. good point. i think perhaps zahid exposed on the continuation out of bounds?
  18. when i saw it, i would have scored it 4 ukr and 2 usa just like they did however, i can't believe they let ukr RUN the entire second period and NO 30 second clock he did one counter and shot once at 35 seconds left... that was it, backward and running he didn't come close to holding center now zahid could have done a bit more actual attacks but... The match that makes people cringe at freestyle scoring has to be finesilvers he lifts the guy, hanging on his back, im yelling just drop on top of him backwards!!! he does a cartwheel and gets two then does the exact same move and gets four talk about inconsistency
  19. im not at home... but i was looking this weekend and think i saw socon and mac were also on espn+ i would bet pac 12 is on pac 12...which i dont have
  20. yes both were right calls... however, why did the count start so much later on teske...
  21. vasquez was out they said this was the last match yas could wrestle but still RS
  22. i dont think he gave up right away... but the decision to ride... probably not a good one... that kid was tough... not sure which way to attack a 5 point deficit against him
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