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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. What was Eggum trying to challenge in the Robb/Lee match? Was it the leave your feet on the cutback thing? If so, at 31:40 it looks like he does. Odd that they didn't allow the challege.
  2. Agree. I don’t see how Lee’s loss to Bresser would have much relevance to this conversation, other than talking about the strategy he employed, which was basically the same strategy Rivera employed to beat him too: in a word, stall. If RBY had beaten Rivera than Lee’s Rivera losses could have been relevant to this conversation, but he didn’t. Was definitely looking forward to 133 at NCAA’s in 2020…sigh…
  3. Fair enough, although I think most would agree that RBY has probably improved more since his freshman year than Lee has. Lee took a couple losses of course that year but he also had his best wins - that was the only year he beat guys who were or would become NCAA Champs (Tomasello and Suriano).
  4. To be clear, I don’t know if Lee would turn RBY. I just think that would be the deciding factor of the match. I’d give RBY a 1 TD advantage, and I think Lee escapes from RBY without much issue.
  5. Meh, I think it’s fair to ignore RBY’s freshman year at this point. But since then he really hasn’t wrestled anyone with anywhere in the galaxy of Lee’s turning ability except maybe Gross, who gave him one of his 2 losses.
  6. This post was somewhat believable until you said RBY would get RT..I doubt that. In the last 3 years has RBY wrestled anyone with even close to Lee’s top game? The closest was probably Gross and I just skimmed the match and RBY chose neutral. He did escape from Fix pretty quickly in one of the finals matches, in the other Fix let him up. And I’m not sure I’d even call Fix’s top game even close to Lee’s.
  7. I do hope we get to see it in FS, obviously a folk match is very unlikely but it's fun to speculate. I can't remember, has RBY even said he plans to wrestle FS? I thought he was planning to go into MMA. And even if he did wrestle, hasn't it been stated that he has a big cut to get to 133? Seems unlikely he goes 57 if he even wrestles but I haven't paid attention to his comments about his post-college plans
  8. Guess we can add Jack Medley with his win over Barnett but loss early in the season to Brady Koontz
  9. And if Ybarra beat Steen it’d be the best win of his career too… Klinsky is better than anyone Ybarra has beaten. I’d probably pick him over Ybarra too TBH
  10. Ybarra majoring Steen is funny. Ybarra has one bonus win in his career …over a D2 guy (in a tournament where he only got decisions over 2 D3 guys). Ybarra has only 1 win over a D1 starter, last year against Chauvin of Army in SV…and Chauvin finished the year 3-16. I’d say Ybarra/Steen is a tossup at best, and zero chance Ybarra majors him.
  11. Hasn’t Lee also beaten Fix? And yes ages ago/different styles Picc is irrelevant considering RBY never wrestled him (and neither did Fix in an NCAA match for that matter, but I’m assuming that was a troll comment)
  12. Fun with common opponents looking at only since 2021: Lee teched Ragusin, RBY won by decision 3 times Lee pinned Ramos (yes I know…), RBY won 11-3 I think it’d be a good match.
  13. As is the case most times someone bumps up, it’d be more impressive for Lee to beat RBY than vice versa
  14. If it would help them win the dual (it won’t), it would help Lee. And it would certainly boost his “legacy” further, not that his legacy needs boosting. But even people that acknowledge his greatness can also acknowledge that there has been a relative lack of guys really anywhere near his caliber at 125 his final 2 seasons.
  15. The OP’s premise was assuming Ayala would wrestle 125. He won’t
  16. Yes I left that one out of the losses since Brown looks solid. 15-2 and a win over Prata of his own. But the other 4 guys have a combined record of 45-27 (according to wrestlestat). Molton does need some recognition though since he wrestled for both Old Dominion AND Fresno State before Campbell
  17. Anthony Molton 125 for Campbell has to be up there. Wins over Matt Ramos (only other losses to Spencer and Richie Figs) and Joey Prata (R12 last year) Losses to McHenry, Wagner of UNC, Mauger of Utah Valley, and Jordan of SDSU
  18. Yes I would envision him taking top if he doesn’t get any takedowns. Is RBY stronger than Nathan Tomasello? The gas tank is a legit concern though, especially against RBY. I don’t necessarily think Lee going 133 would be best for the team even if he/they thought he could win the title. While I do think he could, it’s not as much of a guarantee as 125, and he probably scores less bonus. Ayala isn’t a guarantee to AA at 125, and was coming off surgery. Teske can probably score a similar amount at 133 as Ayala at 125.
  19. I think RBY could probably take Lee down, but he hasn’t really wrestled anyone with Lee’s top ability. Unless he escapes in the first 5 seconds or something I think Lee could turn him.
  20. Man I would love to see that match. But probably less than 1% chance it happens. Iowa’s backup probably isn’t beating Steen. They really need to make the redshirts allowed to wrestle some matches rule apply not just true freshmen
  21. That’s referring to breaking them down flat, not taking them down in the first place, you cut that part out. It does specifically say the offensive wrestler is incentivized by the opportunity to earn a riding time point though.
  22. No, the context does not exist, at least not the context about being rewarded for getting a takedown. If anything, the context is that you are not required to attempt to turn because you can earn a RT point. That’s really the only explanation for the difference in wording between high school and college.
  23. The rule doesn't say anything about the guy having gotten a takedown. You're adding context that doesn't exist.
  24. That seems arbitrary. Getting a takedown earns you the right to stall? And why is it “symmetrical” for the start of periods (or after injury time)? Using this logic only the guy who chose the position should be eligible to be hit for stalling
  25. Jimmy has some weird fetish with trying to get people to talk trash on PSU (and I do believe he's actually a fan). I'm sure the responses to this thread were mostly what he was expecting.
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