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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Clarion. Well “I” didn’t lol, I wasn’t a starter
  2. This was ~15 years ago, but I wrestled for a D3 team that was usually ranked in the teens and we beat a bottom rung D1 school one year.
  3. Is that much of an upset? They’ve already lost to Duke, VMI, Buffalo and Gardner Webb this year.
  4. To be fair the 2 Ferraris + Kueter are looking pretty likely at this point. One of Kueter’s football coaches basically said he’s expecting to start at heavyweight. But I’d agree AJ is likely the only one bringing a significant # of points. I’m not too concerned with him making 197 though, but not sure where he stacks up in the current 197 field. Still, those moves + a Brooks or Starocci injury (and definitely not wishing injury on anyone) does make it a conversation I’d think. Are you factoring any points for Iowa at 174? And even if the Ferraris and Kueter don’t meet the point totals you listed, there are other potential albeit maybe not likely scenarios such as Franek or Ayala winning it all.
  5. He did nothing wrong when?
  6. I’m sure it is, I’m just not sure it will work. I think guys will either risk further injury when they otherwise wouldn’t, and coaches will try to find the minimum amount of time that would constitute “wrestling occurring.”
  7. IIRC but could be wrong, I don’t believe he was kicked out of Bergen Catholic, and I believe the rumor about Blair was more due to Anthony (although of course he’s in IC as well)
  8. Bartachek writes for IAWrestle, and the other is a screenshot of AJ’s instagram
  9. Still not sure if I like this, I feel like this will encourage guys with non-serious injuries to do some “actual wrestling” when they wouldn’t have otherwise. I didn’t think there was a problem with the 1 second injury defaults to begin with since they counted as a loss. The issue seemed to be when coaches would do it in extra matches (are any schools still even doing extra matches?) or against a teammate which they already corrected by making matches against teammates not count.
  10. Thanks. I remember forgetting something about that. Seems kinda silly though, would 5 seconds constitute “actual wrestling”?
  11. I don’t think he has much chance against Brooks. Hidlay could be interesting. Also looking forward to seeing him wrestle in a dual against Oklahoma State
  12. I think they’re pretty good overall too (as are yours) but that one was a headscratcher IMO. I mentioned in another thread that he seems to use more of “the eye test” where you try to stick with results only. Both have their advantages and disadvantages…
  13. Yep, if you were to ask me what ranking decision made the least sense it would probably be Intermat just now putting Crookham at #1. If they had Fix over him before, beating Nagao shouldn’t have changed that
  14. I was kinda surprised that Voinovich is ranked 9th. I guess Anthony could be ranked there based on his win over him. No clue where they put AJ to start. I’d think in the top 10 at least but there are a lot of good dudes there. He’s definitely in the race for 2nd though.
  15. The search on the website doesn’t always work but you can just google Myles Amine wrestlestat and it should come up. You might need to create a wrestlestat account though
  16. I don’t see a problem with having some at large bids. But I think a tournament to determine the last spot or 2 or 3 would be amazing
  17. Btw @ionel here’s you being the second person to respond to the thread where that tweet/post was originally posted here. So congrats, you successfully trolled me.
  18. Intentionally obtuse it is
  19. Yeah I would’ve thought Gilman at least…
  20. I wrote out what he said. “Ben Kueter’s wrestling plans have changed in light of the gambling suspension for Hawkeye wrestling at heavyweight.” If you don’t think that’s saying something about Cass then you’re being intentionally obtuse
  21. Surprising that no one would challenge Richards, no?
  22. Lol, yes he did
  23. Wait…is that a no to my question?
  24. I think it’s more about not thinking Carr should drop 2 spots for losing 1 match due to Ramirez losing his next one. This is actually consistent with what they did with Vito. Rather than making Fix 1 and Crookham 2, they put Crookham to 1 and kept Vito ahead of Fix. @Jon_Kozak, is it safe to assume Ramirez would have went to 2 had he beaten Olejnik?
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