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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. You are correct, Trump is an idiot. Why do so many seem to think that is somehow OK? Pro-idiot voters... that is the weirdest thing of all. All-time weirdest in any category.
  2. It's not crazy at all. There should be no use of Arlington for political purposes. None at all. That's by federal law, which is a good law. Guess all you want - but political nonsense doesn't belong there. None at all. And there shouldn't be any "video" coming out either. I can't believe some people still don't understand the concept. I have to question what country you are posting from.
  3. Catch up. It isn't about libs vs cons anymore. It's about no-BS quality people to elect who will serve the people instead of themselves.
  4. In terms of political experience, he basically is "some random guy off the street." In terms of watching TV and using Xwitter to send mean, hateful tweets - he did that at a remarkable rate for 4 yrs. Funneling massive amounts of money? Back then it was directly to him and his family who also had no political experience and had no legitimate reason to be in the positions they were in. And don't forget to his hotels, etc. That guy made the US taxpayers his own personal ATM machine. That guy is an orange clown show. How would he handle the Ukraine and Israel conflicts? That's a good question. One he has no real answers for.
  5. It is a little nutty that details of the shooting are still only trickling out. It's taking too long. But... as for "lead to the citizens demanding a change in their government" - well that's crazy talk. That dude just isn't right in the head. Every time we disagree with the gears of government, it doesn't dictate some kind of rebellion. Maybe start with electing folks who aren't anti-government to begin with. The anti-government are easy to spot - they are the ones who keep claiming the country is a disaster and is doomed and can't succeed with them. (They used to call them snake oil salesmen, they have the "only" solution - which is them.) The USA will always have a government, we need one to succeed and prosper. And the USA will always have snake oil salesmen who claim the government is horribly bad and they could do better. Same thing since the 1800's. The only difference is how many people have been recently suckered into it.
  6. So true. It basically speaks for itself when a Republican breaks with nonsensical party allegiance and calls it like it is. I could easily vote for a guy like Kinsinger going forward. We don't need any more schmucks towing their party line... they need to be kicked to the curb. Same on the other side. Those defund police folks need to be kicked to that same curb. Most importantly, we can't get so caught up in politics that we forget our values. Principles and decency should rank far higher than the rest of the political BS. When faced with unprincipled people with no sense of decency - we should be reminded of the higher priorities.
  7. jross and I were engaging in a bit of banter. C'mon dummy. It wasn't serious discussion. No need to jump in with name calling. That's what a... ummm, douchebag would do.
  8. You - married? Ha! Classic. I think your mind has already unraveled beyond saving what might be left of your sanity.
  9. "I heard that people are saying that 'Trump sux donkey dix.' I don't know what that means, or if it's even true. I don't know any of these people. It's just what they are saying. From what I'm hearing, it's the biggest donkeys anyone has ever seen. None bigger. I don't know anything about it, but it sounds like big donkeys. Really big donkeys. OK. Probably the biggest ever. Better donkeys than since Abraham Lincoln. I like these ones better because they didn't die." -Donald
  10. ... and she managed to not be a goofball on an internet wrestling site at the same time. So - good on her.
  11. You are forgetting the big one... These things you mock actually bailed out the US Economy and put us back on a path to prosperity. Where we are now. It's a trees and forest type thing. (If you can comprehend that.)
  12. Stop and think. Walls in prisons, they have a useful purpose. Walls in racquetball courts, also a useful purpose. Both clear and obvious. Walls as borders between countries? Meh... not necessarily useful. Certainly not clearly or obviously good. History tells us that it's a problematic approach. It is not a clear and obvious solution to anything. Fences around areas that are prone to protesting and riots? Yes - that serves a clear and obvious useful purpose. Why do you post like a shi**y little a**hat trying to cause problems all the time? What country are you posting from? Who's paying you for your a**hatiness? Because - whatever they pay you, you're a waste of money.
  13. Maybe that's because I care nothing about your post. Or you. At all.
  14. Not even remotely true: "In the eyes of the left" - Donald is an oversized spoiled child who throws temper tantrums and won't stop. Moderate Democrats don't dislike Nikki Haley at all. And Desantis - he's not all that bad. Moderate Democrats have no problem with GOP competition. It's just politics and, for the most part, the governing doesn't change all that much either way. The difference this year is the unhinged half-crazy and half-senile old Donald. If you listen to any of his rambling nonsensical tirades, it's obvious he isn't mentally stable. His senior advisors tell him to say something meaningful and useful - but he can't do it. A zebra can't change its stripes. He's a mean spirited old bastard that needs to go.
  15. ... and, yet, this still sounds like an optimistic post to me. At this point, I really like the direction OSU is going. It's genuinely exciting to see what this team can do this season. OSU just got added to the 'must watch' list of teams.
  16. What Gwen said was legit and honest. What's your point? The only weirdo in your post was the guy wearing sunglasses indoors who was high AF and talking sh**.
  17. No, she did not call Biden racist. That's just another fake statement that was made by a Trump campaign staffer. See: Did Kamala Harris Call Joe Biden a Racist? | Snopes.com
  18. 100% seriously. Why can't you use google to find the policies Kamala is introducing and supporting? It's not even a tiny bit difficult. Don't demand I give you answers, you twit. Find the answers to your questions for yourself. Learn, get smarter, and the momentum will continue.
  19. And you do you feel about JD Vance? Prior to joining his ticket: Vance, once described himself as a “Never Trump guy” “My god what an idiot,” Vance wrote in one of the tweets. It was one of many tweets now deleted. Vance once questioned whether Trump could be “America’s Hitler” in a private Facebook message in 2016 “Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office,” he wrote in the op-ed Seems like he's changed his mind for political gain CONSIDERABLY! If have even the tiniest amount of integrity, could you reply honestly here?
  20. Here we go through it again, weak tit. I included both posts above for people to easily review. Biden did NOT say She was picked for diversity. He did say diversity was important and that it starts at the top, but he did NOT say that was why she was selected. He didn't comment on her detailed credentials (of which she has many) Any notion that she wasn't the best, or wasn't very intelligent, was purely YOUR contribution. Your comment that she didn't have "male genitalia" is also purely YOURS. It's all there in the posts for everybody to see. You can try to lie, but the posts prove the truth. Maybe you're being twisted by your super sketchy 'internet buddies' or you are in cahoots with them. Doesn't matter. Either way, step up and start posting with some integrity, or not, your choice on who you want to be.
  21. Your BS is now arriving in giant piles. And you seem to have triggered that Offthemat muttonhead to contribute more of his perpetual BS. None of either of your 'arguments' makes a bit of sense. Stay in school - learn - get smarter - you'll look back on these days and laugh about your stupidity.
  22. Seems to be good for DT. Getting his house in order (and it is now HIS HOUSE.) Does send a clear message. We still don't know all of the details, nor will we likely ever. No need to quibble over things we don't know. What's done is done. Also good for JW. If you find yourself in a bad situation, it's better to find a new spot with a new perspective. No need to point fingers or lay blame. It could be a personality conflict, it could be a lot of things. Doesn't matter. I doubt anyone here thinks JW won't be successful at another program - he will. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see any bad guys or good guys here - just wrestling as it's always been.
  23. I've never liked your posts, because I've always thought you were posting misinformation from China. ... and here you have done and proved it. Nicely done.
  24. I like the post. The first part is good. But why the disclaimer about "without saying anything about Trump?" You keep saying you don't support that lying loser, but then you act otherwise. He's nothing but a loser. Loser in last election, loser in multiple court cases. He's a convicted criminal with 30+ counts and so many more on the way. Not a small time criminal, his 30+ counts are felonies. Here's my list for Harris/Walz: Not convicted criminal felons Not lying losers.
  25. In case you didn't already know, you're a piece of cheese living among rats here. Those folks that continually encourage you, don't actually agree with you. You are hanging with a sketchy crowd.
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