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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. Yes. The conditions need to be relevant to the job though. Sorry I didn't specifically say that but it is common sense.
  2. For sensitive populations, at a minimum, at the beginning of the pandemic.
  3. No relevance to the job? B.S. It was a public health concern.
  4. I think they could, if it had something to do with the job. Depends upon the situation though. I can't think of any jobs where a vasectomy or being required to carry a baby to term would improve job performance. Could they do it just for the heck of it, because they "feel like it?" Probably not. This is all very simple. I'm surprised that you're asking these questions. It demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the law.
  5. Those were employment conditions for certain workers, as a condition of employment. Completely legit.
  6. News flash: Employers can set their own rules as conditions of employment. Always have, always will, and should continue to be able to do that. Has very little to do with Democratic or Republican policies. It's really up to the employer.
  7. Who was required by law to get vaccinated? Who was convicted for not getting vaccinated?
  8. Or just the ones that want to allow a woman to remove a fetus from her body and not forced to be a life support machine.
  9. Seriously. I don't know why anybody watches any of this garbage, RNC OR DNC. People have WAY too much spare time on their hands.
  10. The only thing more ridiculous would be having Hulk Hogan as one of your main speakers and having the UFC President introduce the nominee.
  11. So if Biden decides to remove himself from the race because people are telling him that he cannot win, and he believes what he's told, that violates democracy? You do recall that Biden withdrew voluntarily, right? Is how a party selects its nominee required to be "democratic?"
  12. How was it a coup at all?
  13. His lies are accelerating. It's getting to the point where just about every single statement is a lie. It's unreal that he has any credibility left at all, even to the wingers.
  14. A lie from 6 years ago is basically nothing in comparison to the dozens of lies spewed from Trump every single time he talks. The right is the group that is deflecting here.
  15. Was it a coup as Trump indicates?
  16. Badgers have very little talent and Bono isn't seen as a great coach by HS wrestlers or their parents, in general. All the top talent leaves the state now for college. This program is going nowhere in the near future.
  17. Problem is that 99% of us don't have time to truly and objectdively vet out what is accurate vs inaccurate. So, it's a nice concept, but in reality it doesn't get done and most of these people just believe what they choose to believe and reinforce their confirmation bias. Definitely best to just rely on reliable sources of news. How can you tell what is reliable? They tend to be the more boring sources.
  18. Right wing echo chamber. Got it. I won't intrude on your echo chamber anymore then.
  19. Problem is that 99% of us don't have time to truly and objectdively vet out what is accurate vs inaccurate. So, it's a nice concept, but in reality it doesn't get done and most of these people just believe what they choose to believe and reinforce their confirmation bias.
  20. No. Are you an administrator? Not sure why you're so worked up about my statement. It actually applies to a lot of the wingers.
  21. Relevant to what jross said above
  22. The Republicans will vote for Satan himself as long as he's a Republican (he actually is).
  23. Yah; I get it. Anybody that says anything bad about Trump has an anti-GOP agenda.
  24. He didn't see any combat whatsoever. He was merely deployed to Iraq where other people saw the actual combat. I'll reserve my special recognition to people that actually see combat. I don't see my time in S. Korea (north of Seoul where we had alarms randomly go off in the middle of the night) as anything that special either. Vance isn't a piece of garbage because he served his country. He's a piece of garbage simply because of the other things he's done and said. I have almost zero respect for him. That's more than the amount of respect I have for Trump though.
  25. I will say this point that supports yours. Most of the bad guys get weeded out shortly after they enter permanent party. They get their hands held through basic training and then once they get their freedom they get into trouble and don't last the full term. Most of the guys that eventually get to the rank of Sergeant or higher (like myself) have plenty of integrity and are trustworthy.
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