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Everything posted by Truzzcat

  1. Trumble is incredible at exposing guys in Free and while he is similarly funky in folk I think in instances where he gets points in free and then can bail sometimes he hangs on too long in folk and gives up unnecessary points. I have not watched him enough to know this for sure but from the glimpses Ive seen in folk that seems to be an issue. Free also generally tends to cause more wrestling exchanges where as in folk you can wrestle a tighter match and he seems like the type of guy that does bet the more exchanges he's in.
  2. Ben has given so much back to the sport on top of his accolades I think he has to be the next guy.
  3. Because of Dukes judo style that translates so much to his wrestling he's a really hard guy to comp to anyone. I love that he has a multitude of ways to score. I think its easier to prop up Dee and blaze because of their wins but I can't discount duke for lack of opportunity which I feel like I do subconsciously. I do think blazes offense has progressed quite a bit over the last year now that his knee issues are sorted out and I expect that to continue. The stat that always floors me is that he wrestles D1 in ohio and has gone to three iron mans without giving up a takedown during his entire high school in season career. The talent of the 2025 and 2026 classes is just something we may not seen replicated for a very long time you have these 3 and then Ross,Bassett forrest for 2026 as well as the Rayney brothers who I would drop a tier but are still incredible. If you told me any of those 6 guys were going to start a collegiate season tomorrow I would probably bet on all of them to be 4x AA's.
  4. It almost felt as though Alirez was not trying to give Jesse a feel which I think is very dumb. Jesse seemed to be at least going at him but it's hard to open a guy like that up if they are adamant on not wrestling. I agree though was a terrible match, but I actually really enjoyed the speakers.
  5. I think Feldman has that capability if he can get past his hips. However, I do not know if he can overcome the size discrepancy to do so.
  6. AB was well behind Zain his RS fresh year imo but covid.
  7. To me he wrestled at a time where I think Heavyweight is the strongest it's ever been I mean he won two fields with guys that went on to win NCAA titles as well as beating a multiple time world team member in one of his finals. I am by no means arguing against Gable honestly when making those pics he was one of my more confident guys. Dake was a hard rank given he did it at 4 weights, but I think 3 wins over DT in a single season warrants the spot. If MM runs the table the next 3 years which feels extremely likely I think he would eclipse that spot but until then I feel ok with Dake. I also thought about Imar but as good as cenzo was two finals losses to him really dings him to me.
  8. I would not take any wrestler peak for peak over Gable however considering he did not use his final year of eligibility I think Snyder, Mocco, Hasselrig, Neal are fine arguments. I am also 100% recency biased I think the first time I Followed Ncaa wrestling was when I was in 4th grade when Nico made the finals as a true frosh, I was a big Nico guy.
  9. so I think both teams can go 6 for 6 However on the womans side at 57 you have Sakurai who seemed legitimately untouchable, then she lost to Feng at asians who got teched by Zhang at the Zegreb. I think if Helen gets a bad draw thats going to be a very tall mountain to climb to get a medal but I hold out hope. I do think Amit and Kennedy have as good or a better shot at gold compared to anyone on the mens side though.
  10. 125: Spencer 133: Stieber 141: Yianni 149: Zain 157: Pat Smith 165: Dake 174: Carter 184: Cael 197: Brooks 285: Gable
  11. that was not worth staying up for but awesome job by Jesse especially considering it was at 150
  12. Stanford has a team next year 125: Provo 133: Tyler Knox 141: Aden valencia 149: Jaden abas 157: Daniel Cardenas 165: Hunter Garvin 174: Lorenzo Norman 184: Jack Darrah 197: Nick Stemment 285: Probably not good
  13. I think he bit off more than he could chew with that weight cut. He started as a 141 in college I think he could have done it at 133.
  14. unless it was at Reno TOC back in the day, I do not think so Blaze was always 113/120 when Hughes was in high school, and I think Hughes was generally 132-138. Personally, I think Bailey may have been a bigger notch in the cap than Hughes although Bailey is a better folk guy.
  15. I think it fits their lineup better with Trumble at 197 however I agree he's better at heavy.
  16. the most interesting pieces to me are Feldman who narrowed the gap each time and seemed to make huge jumps as the season went on. Also given he did not do u23's I assume hes all in on the folkstyle season. Keuter who lost 9-1 but had been in the room for what 2 months, and now for the first time in probably 8 years is focused exclusively on wrestling. Lastly Wyatt who is finally in a legitimate room. If I was a betting man and I am I would potentially bet on the field against Kirk this year however he still should be a decent stand-alone favorite.
  17. my only qualm would be how much more infuriating the transfer system would be than it already is.
  18. he had mentioned that they are returning 3 linebackers in an interview, so he hoped to work his way on the special team's unit. Ultimately, I think he's very talented at both things, but he may be looking at it as he can't start this year so let me throw all my eggs into the thing, I may be better at compared to my peers and see where that goes. As evidence by Gable signing with the bills football will be there when he's done.
  19. it is streaming on vimeo Kozak just retweeted the link for anyone interested apologies I am on work computer or I would share.
  20. I am seeing this all over twitter that nobody knows who is streaming it. I would imagine someone picks up the packager on rokfin?
  21. my thoughts exactly! throw in Jesse Mendez too
  22. to my knowledge his last loss is like cadet trials 2022
  23. Marcus blaze over the last 18 months has wrestled Anthony knox twice Jax Forrest twice Ben Davino three times Nick suriano Nico Megaludis Nasir Bailey Luke Lilledahl Leo Deluca twice Jordyn Rayney once Brayden Palmer on a one day weigh in 12 hours after the weigh in (he was probably 140+) Im probably missing some. Of all those matches hes been takedown 4 times once by forrest, once by palmer, once by davino and once by suriano. I think hes a 133/141 and college but his defense is probably the best ive ever seen and hes developed into a really good leg attacker on top of having a really good slide bide and go behind. I think Duke is also absolutely unreal but in terms of nitpicking he seems to let guys in a bit more often and his gas tank is a little suspect to me. All that being said I think Blaze has a really good shot at being a 4x champ not that you can really predict that but his resume is just unreal to me.
  24. he has somehow managed to become a tweener which is hilarious to say. I dont think he is athletic enough for 197 or to be competitive at the top of heavy now. ultimately the size advantage at 197 is probably his best bet. A carter vs Cass match makes me laugh to think about.
  25. I watched one of his youtube videos when he wrestled in bulgaria and he was shedding a few lbs to make weight at what I assume was +2kg for 61kg so that boy is big.
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