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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. Too many cows = too much horsing around Should have focused on horsepower because that's exactly what Brooks brought today. He ran the gamut, got lucky with a wild thumb from Zahid, walked a mile on the dreadmill, and put it on Taylor. Pretty decent 48 hours.
  2. But dude is about to destroy 92 at the Logan Steiber Memorial World Classic
  3. Tonight's safe word is "inshallah"
  4. Izzy Martinez just gave a bag of cash to Elor with a note "thanks for dropping down a weight"
  5. Blades smells blood in the water. IL needs an Olympian this quad...
  6. It's been a year since that fateful night. @Mike Parrish if you're out there, congrats on tonight and good luck. #ParrishInParis
  7. This setup with lights is pretty sweet ngl
  8. Good evening and good luck to everyone but these two bush league Joe Paterno apologists
  9. No one is more well-versed on a Judas in the starting lineup than Aaron Brooks
  10. I'm flat out trolling with no regard for feelings when I ask in earnest: is Gilman crying because his mom snapped her glasses in half or did she do that when he lost the wrestle off before the last Olympic quad?
  11. If Carl (shadow head of USAW) wanted to give an advantage he would have made Brooks wrestle Mat 2, match #1 fresh off the scale.
  12. I do not like this new Jimmy burner. You're better than this character. At least Juan plays a good villain.
  13. The original version of the joke has been going for 2024 years so this iteration can take all the time it wants
  14. @nhs67 totally says that's bunk
  15. He's still a boner but he grew up last night finally. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C590XvLOrfB/?igsh=MWd4MGpjb3h3djRidw==
  16. I dislike Aaron Brooks so much that I'm cheering for David Taylor tonight. Now if you excuse me I need to go wash my mouth out with bleach.
  17. He's been Sanderson-trained since childhood. It is what it is.
  18. He will absolutely be injured if Taylor wins twice tonight
  19. Luckily you have the same hindsight we all do to know this statement is true. At the time the series was 1-1. Keep trolling for laundry though.
  20. He is an excellent coach and will produce many national champions. Such a shame he is too big for 79 but the wrong body for 86. Mark Hall is the embodiment of freestyle and one hell of an ambassador for our sport.
  21. He couldn't beat Sadulaev and sought out improvement. And Tom Ryan never taught him how to get out from bottom.
  22. I have a better gas tank than Lee and I'm on my second mimosa
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